ib/pr/tok/08 TOK PRESENTATION InternallyAssessed
ib/pr/tok/08 What is it? Individual or group presentation Presented in examination conditions Assessed by a team of teachers Worth 1/3 of final TOK grade Completed in IB1
ib/pr/tok/08 What it is Exploration of a knowledge issue raised by a real life situation Must have current relevance
ib/pr/tok/08 What format? Lecture Skit Role play Debate Interview With or without audio/visual aids
ib/pr/tok/08 What is a good presentation? Narrowly focused Personal engagement Linked to the WOK and AOK Analytical Clear and coherent
KNOWLEDGE ISSUES Identification of a knowledge issue clearly relevant to a real-life situation 5 marks
ib/pr/tok/08 TREATMENT Good understanding of knowledge issue in its context 5 marks
ib/pr/tok/08 KNOWER’S PERSPECTIVE Personal engagement Use of convincing arguments Use of appropriate examples 5 marks
ib/pr/tok/08 CONNECTIONS Acknowledgement of different perspectives (WOK) Various implications of the question in related areas (AOK) 5 marks
ib/pr/tok/08 Choosing a Topic - Beneficial for whole class - Relevant to you as a student and your community
ib/pr/tok/08 Structure of presentation Use of planning document Introduction: real life situation/related KI Analysis of KI (different perspectives) Engage in critical thinking Evaluation of ASSUMPTIONS, METHODS OF JUSTIFICATION, COUNTERCLAIMS, IMPLICATIONS Evaluation of ASSUMPTIONS, METHODS OF JUSTIFICATION, COUNTERCLAIMS, IMPLICATIONS Evaluation of language: possible use for persuasion and manipulation Evaluation of language: possible use for persuasion and manipulation Evaluation of reasoning and possible logical fallacies Evaluation of reasoning and possible logical fallacies
ib/pr/tok/08 Different perspectives What is the point of view of.. An artist? An artist? A mathematician? A mathematician? An ethic expert.. (all AOK) An ethic expert.. (all AOK) All stakeholders involved All stakeholders involved Different cultures? Different cultures? Different ideologies Different ideologies Your perspective vs the one found in books or given by society
ib/pr/tok/08 Embryo storage problem in UAE Knowledge issue Context Different perspectives: doctors, parents, community, religious leaders, labs WOK – reason, emotion, perception AOK – science, ethics, psychology, religion, business
ib/pr/tok/08 Chinese first to discover America? Knowledge issue Context Different perspectives: historians, legend/folk lore WOK – reason, perception AOK – history, geography
ib/pr/tok/08 Group Work What is the knowledge issue? Relevance to us – context Different perspectives Ways of knowing Areas of knowledge