Unit 13 Assisting a of Sport and Active leisure activity
BTEC Level 1 Sport and Active Leisure Todays Aim: Unit introduction. Learning Outcomes Unit Organiser. Learning outcome: Unit 13 Assisting a of Sport and Active leisure activity
BTEC Level 1 Sport and Active Leisure Unit Introduction: The unit will give you the skills and knowledge to assist a sports coach or leader within the sport and active leisure industry. . Learning Outcomes: Know the qualities and responsibilities needed for assisting a leader of a sports or active leisure activity. Know the different parts of a sports or active leisure activity. Be able to assist in planning a sports or active leisure activity. Be able to assist in the delivery of part of a sports and active leisure activity. Unit 9 safe Learning in the workplace
BTEC Level 1 Sport and Active Leisure Be able to assist a sport coach or leader. Know the qualities and responsibilities needed for assisting a leader Know the different parts of a sports or active leisure activity Be able to assist in planning a sports or active leisure activity. Unit 9 safe Learning in the workplace
BTEC Level 1 Sport and Active Leisure Todays session: Be able to identify and give examples of the qualities needed to be an assistant leader. Skill development: Communication Research Use of IT Team work
BTEC Level 1 Sport and Active Leisure Student task: Working with a partner use your phone to research and create a definition of a a quality.
BTEC Level 1 Sport and Active Leisure Student activity: Working with a partner your task is to identify as many leaders as you can in 2 minutes. Your task is to then chose a successful coach/leader and identify their qualities (what makes them successful).
BTEC Level 1 Sport and Active Leisure Student activity: You have just taken part in a sports coaching session, working with a partner identify the qualities that the sports coach displayed. Now that you have identified the qualities of the sports coach can you give examples of how the sports coach displayed the qualities. Confident, builds up a working relationship with people; motivation, being proactive; behavior, professional imagine, setting an example, being a role model, being friendly, polite; communication skills, organised, Good knowledge, enthusiastic.
BTEC Level 1 Sport and Active Leisure Student activity: You work for Liverpool Football Club who is looking for a new Manager. The chairmen have asked you to chose a suitable Football Manager and create a poster presentation to describe why. You need to include: Why you think your manager is suitable for the job What are the qualities of the Manager giving examples What will the Manager bring to the club.
BTEC Level 1 Sport and Active Leisure Lets reflect: 3. I am not confident I can identify qualities of a Sports Coach/Leader and cannot give examples. 2. I am confident I can identify qualities of a Sports Coach/Leader but cannot give examples. 1. I am confident I can Identify the qualities of a Sports Coach/Leader and give examples. Unit 9 safe Learning in the workplace
BTEC Level 1 Sport and Active Leisure