Starter Open “Exam Questions.docx” Answer the exam questions IN SILENCE! Save the document in your Theory folder.
Lets go over the answers… Remember exam technique Correct any mistakes Make a note in your books of any techniques you should have used or any way you can improve your answers…
Lesson Objectives By the end of the lesson you will be able to: 1.Define different types of storage 2.Recommend suitable storage options for a given scenario 3.Understand different methods of data access
Storage Methods So far we’ve learnt about PLACES where data can be stored, but not HOW. There are two main methods. Can anyone work out what they mean? – Sequential – Random Access
Sequential Imagine you’re in a queue… You can’t get to the end until all those in front of you have left the queue. People leave the queue in SEQUENCE. It’s like music on old cassette tapes, you can’t get to song two without going through song one!
Using a DIAGRAM, put an explanation of “Sequential” storage in your books… Think of, and write down, at LEAST 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of this method of storage. Task 1
Random Access Exactly what it says on the tin… Or as Mr Gump would say, like a box of chocolates… Why? Because you can dip in and take any one you like, in any order!
Using a DIAGRAM, put an explanation of “Random Access” storage in your books… Think of, and write down, at LEAST 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of this method of storage. Task 2
Revision On the next slide you will see some storage devices. You must: 1.Name each one 2.State whether it is magnetic or solid state 3.State whether it is volatile or non volatile 4.Give an example of it’s use
Task 3 You need to write a paragraph (or two, I don’t mind) to explain the following: Why do we need three different types of storage in a PC – Cache, RAM and HDD? Discuss in your answer what each stores, volatility, speed, size etc.
Homework None this lesson!