Section 001 Benson 180 TR 3:30-4:45 Instructor: Webster Cash TA: Josh Moloney ASTR 1200 Stars and Galaxies
Website All homework and announcements made through this website. Other useful features and links Text: The Cosmic Perspective Bennett, Donahue, Schneider and Voit Addison Wesley
Grades (Unfortunate, but that’s the system) Exams: In-Class Exams (200) Final Exam – 1:30pm Dec 17, 2014 (200) Homework: (100) Written Exercises to be turned in for grade Observatory Trip
COURSE SCHEDULE (HIGHLY APPROXIMATE) 1 January 14 Intro., Scientific Notation Scale of the Universe 2 21 Gravity Laws of Motion 3 28 Nature of Light Nature of Light 4 February 4 Formation Solar System Sun 5 11 Sun Telescopes 6 18 Exam #1 Stars 7 25 H-R Diagram H-R Diagram 8 March 4 Binary Stars Stellar Structure 9 11 Stellar Evolution White Dwarfs Exam #2 Neutron Stars Spring Break Spring Break 12 April 1 Black Holes The Milky Way 13 8 Interstellar Medium Galaxies Galaxies Expansion of the Universe Exam #3 AGN's & Quasars Cosmology The Big Bang 17 May 7 Final
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Douglas Adams Chapter 8
THE BIG QUESTIONS What is Reality? What are we? Are we alone? How do we even get a handle on these questions?
What is Reality? What ensued was a discussion that homed in on our knowing almost nothing, including the nature of consciousness. We don’t even know if the question is answerable. We just know that science can answer the question at least partially.
What are we? Another discussion ensued. Science has answered some questions well. But there is a long way to go.
Are we alone? Philosophically we all agree that it is unlikely we are alone. But we differ on the probability of any UFOs being real.
Drake’s Equation