List of Appropriate School Based Accommodations and Interventions (For a 504 Plan or for Adaptations and Modifications Section of an IEP)
Alter the Environment: Provide this Student with Low-Distraction Work Areas
Prepare the Student for Transitions
Make Adaptations for a Student With Hyperactivity
Alter Presentation of Lessons/Accommodations for Assignments
Break the Assignments into Short, Sequential Steps
Support the Student’s Participation in the Classroom
Adapt or Modify Classroom and Homework Assignments
Alter or Modify Testing and Evaluation Procedures
Alter the Design of Materials Simple Easy to Read Typed Logical Sequential
Provide Training and Guidance for Study Skills, Test Taking Skills and Organizational Planning Skills Training
Provide Skills Guidance and Support
Create a Safe Environment for Learning: Employ Effective Motivational Techniques
Involve Parents! Dear Parents,
Adopt and Maintain a Positive Attitude