Music of Sub-Saharan Africa Sarah Saxon
Location Sub-Saharan Africa lies south of the Sahara Desert- shaded green
Ceremonies The Bira A Shona religious ceremony involving spirit possession Mbira players- musical specialists who perform at ceremony Men and women join by clapping and dancing Singers use vocables- rythmic syllables Mbira: wooden board with staggered metal keys
The Mande of West Africa Nyamalo: craft specialists including professional musicians Donkilo- basic sung melody of Mande jali songs Kora: a bridge harp that has 21 strings and a range just over 3 octaves Sataro: speechlike vocal style performed by Mande jalolu Kora
The Ewe of Ghana Dance-drumming traditions performed Among the Ewe, musical performance is less frequent Ewe believe that if you are a good drummer, you inherited a spirit of an ancestor who was a good drummer
Instruments African musical performances include all major instruments Percussion, skin-headed drums, winds, and strings Vocal music is very emphasized
Instruments Percussion Drums Lamellaphones are most widespread and important Also includes bells, scrapers, and rattles Drums Large variety of African drums Power of the drum expresses the elevated nature of aristocracy African drums usually carved from a single wooden log
Instruments Wind Stringed Trumpets made from metal or animal horns are widely played throughout sub-Saharan Africa Stringed Harps are also used throughout sub-Saharan Africa The musical bow is the oldest and most widespread stringed instrument used in Africa