Question: How do people interact with the environment? Humans _________ to the environment. Examples - air conditioning, heating, clothing, sunscreen Humans __________ the environment. Examples - pollution, damming rivers, mining, hunting, forestry Humans ___________ on the environment. Examples - food production, water, mining Discuss/write: What are two examples of the environment interacting with humans? Hint: These are often bad for humans. Environment – your surroundings. See if you and your partner can guess what word goes in the following blanks:
How are people/places connected? A. People – Transportation is what it’s called when people connect from place to place. B. Ideas – Communication is what it’s called when ideas move from place to place. Discuss/write 3 examples -
Discuss/write: Why do geographers separate the world into regions? Discuss/write: What are three regions Gillette is located in? Regions are smaller pieces/divisions Hint – every different color you see on the map is a region.