Latin American Revolutions Project WH 2014
Questions to Consider: How does “my Latin Revolution” compare to the causes and practices of the French Revolution? What impact did the Enlightenment have on “my Latin Revolution”? How important was “social hierarchy” for causing “my Latin Revolution”? How successful was “my Latin Revolution”? Assess self made criteria on why it was successful or not (HINT: First assess the success of the French Revolution and why it was successful or not)
Goal: Create a short power point (7-10 slides) and presentation use to teach Analyze the causes, practices, and effects of “my Latin Revolution” Compare Latin Revolutions with each other and with the French Revolution.
Revolutions to choose from: Mexico (1810s-20s) Venezuela (Gran Colombia revolutions) Peru Argentina Brazil Haiti
What do I need on my presentation? PIES causes of the Revolution Goal of the Revolution (was this stated by a leader?) Who fought whom? (Groups involved not just countries) (Who work with whom?) 1 Important person and why they are important More than 1 important event Outcomes of the Revolution (New Constitution? Civil War? Social Change?) Analyze the similarities and distinguish the differences between “my Latin Revolution” and the French Revolution
How would Mr. O’Hayre set up his presentation? Title Slide 1: Causes Political 2: Causes Intellectual 3: Causes Economic 4: Causes Social 5-6: Important person and why 7-8: Important Events 9: Outcomes of Revolution 10: Comparing with French Revolution
What will I be graded on? Group Grade: Power Point and Presentation All information is on power point Accurate Information on power point At least 3 people present information during presentation Group members will grade each other
What will I be graded on? Individual Grades: Causes, Practices, and Effects graphic organizer due with your writing assignment Short essay comparing French Revolution and “my Latin American” revolution (See question at the beginning of the power point)
Timeline Day 1 (FULL DAY): Causes Day 2: Practices/Outcomes Day 3: Slideshow/work on Essay Day 4: Present/ Turn in Essay
Due Dates Period 2/6 Check by Mr. O’Hayre on Causes and Practices (End of class Oct 28) Slides due to Mr. O’Hayre by Sunday Night Nov 2) Short Essay comparing Revolutions (Due Nov 4-start of class) Present Nov. 4
Due Dates Period 1/5 Check by Mr. O’Hayre on Causes and Practices (End of class Oct 29) Slides due to Mr. O’Hayre by Sunday Night Nov 2) Short Essay comparing Revolutions (Due Nov 5-start of class) Present Nov 3