DWB – 2 nd Regional Workshop Athens, October 2014 Adolfo Gálvez INE Accesing microdata for scientific research purposes- INE Spain
Legal framework- Main issues Spanish Statistics Act only foresees accessing confidential data to other statistical authorities (art.15) No special provisions for scientific research.
Legal framework – latest updates Spanish Statistical System has adopted principles of European Statistics Code of Practice at national level. Strategic lines in the multiannual programme establish the need to support scientific research according to strict protocols to access confidential data.
INE. Microdata access (I) INE provides PUFs from 35 statistical operations freely available from the website. -Population Censuses -Vital statistics -Education -Health -Living conditions -Labour market -Social analyses -R&D -Agricultural censuses Ene - Sep downloads
INE - Principles to provide access to confidential data for scientific research -Accreditation of the research institutions (individual researchers not allowed) -Accreditation of research proposal -Sign of specific contracts to access confidential microdata (including institutional and individual undertaking in protection of statistical confidentiality)
INE – Microdata Access (II) Application form should contain information about: 1.Research institution 2.Research Project (objectives, reasons to use confidential data) 3.Data to be accessed, methods to be applied. 4.Outputs to be expected, dissemination of results 5.Security measures for the dataset (including delete in a safe way) 6.Resecarh team members Available at the website
INE- Microdata access (II) Modes of access: Data delivered to researchers (~ Scientific Use Files) Access through safe centers (~ secure use files) Routine execution by INE staff (just a few experiences on some business data)
INE and DA - some elements + Collaboration with IPUMS project. + PUFs on our website are freely redistributable -Legal framework: Difficulties to transmit confidential data to third parties except for statistical production.
Thank you!