UNDP Papua New Guinea --- An Overview
: Common Country Programme Document (C-CPD) UNDP’s portfolio in the context of the UNDAF (1) United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) & UNDAF Action Plan UNDP programmes and projects
Cluster 1: Governance for Equitable Development Cluster 2: Social Justice, Protection & Gender Equality Cluster 3: Access to Basic Services Cluster 4: Environment, Climate Change & Disaster Risk Management Governance: Public Financial Management Private Sector in Development Peacebuilding in Bougainville Parliamentary Support Community-led Development Aid/Development Effectiveness/RBM Gender-based Violence Prevention Financial Inclusion Environment, Climate Change and DRM: Climate Resilience Deforestation and Degradation Biodiversity Renewable Energy UNDP’s portfolio in the context of the UNDAF (2)
NHDR on Extractive Industries & Human Development Peace and Development Analysis & Priority Plan for Peacebuilding in ARoB Kumul Game Changers Initiative launched; Parliamentary Support Project designed National Gender-Based Violence Strategy formulated Policies on ‘Protected Areas’ & ‘Climate Compatible Development’ formulated 5 provincial hazard assessments, 2 provincial & district disaster preparedness and response plans Successful visits by UNDP Administrator and Regional Director Selected 2014/15 Results
2015 Priorities Peacebuilding and electoral support to Bougainville Expand partnership with the private sector (Kumul Game Changers) Finalization & implementation of National GBV Strategy Complete Climate Risk & Early Warning assessments Support to Solar Mama Initiative Development of Biodiversity Offset Policy and Benefit Sharing and Distribution Scheme for REDD+
UNDP’s ‘business case Global and regional network Development Partner Working with Government (national/sub-national), also with civil society, private sector, academia, media and other key national institutions Aiming for continuous improvement (client orientation) Strengthen and expand collaboration and partnerships Strengthen and coordinate what the UN offers in PNG