Simultaneous Translation ENGT 443 Introduction to Simultaneous Interpreting Dr. Monira I. Al-Mohizea
Definition In simultaneous mode, the interpreter sits in a booth and listens to a spoken speech and simultaneously orally interprets the speech into the target language. Simultaneous interpretation requires accurate and complete translation at the same rate of speech as the speaker, with only a few seconds of lag time. Studies show that the décalage i.e. the lapse of time after which the interpreter starts rendering his version is about two to three seconds.
Some Tips on Simultaneous Interpretation Listen to words and phrases as they are spoken. Give the most immediate equivalent. Go with your first instinct. You are a conduit. If the person is speaking too quickly, catch what you can and give the most important points. Try not to summarize, unless the person has spoken too much information in the same way. Do not give your own commentary, you may have to explain anything you might have interpreted unclearly before (quickly).
Keep a notepad next to you to write down: Words you do not know the translation of. Look them up at home and memorize. Compile a vocabulary list depending on the topic of the speech and always try to be prepared. Don’t worry about confusing near synonyms e.g. “glorify,” “praise,” etc. Practice, practice, practice. Listen to many recordings in Arabic and English and interpret them (keep a record of your problems).