International Atomic Energy Agency INIS : International Nuclear Information System Yves Turgeon Head, INIS Unit International Atomic Energy Agency
International Atomic Energy Agency INIS - Joint INIS/ETDE Thesaurus2Background INIS was created in 1969 Co-operative system operated by IAEA and its Members 129 Members 110 States 19 international organizations Provides information on peaceful uses of nuclear energy
International Atomic Energy Agency INIS - Joint INIS/ETDE Thesaurus3 Subject Scope
International Atomic Energy Agency INIS - Joint INIS/ETDE Thesaurus4INIS Provides access to qualified nuclear information published worldwide Bibliographic database (~2.4 million records; grows 80,000+/year) Full text collection of non-conventional literature (~ 600,000 documents). Availability INIS Database on Internet from IAEA INIS Database on CD-ROM (Silverplatter.) STN; Energy Database (Dialog)
International Atomic Energy Agency INIS - Joint INIS/ETDE Thesaurus5 INIS Records Bibliographic description (title, authors, etc.) Abstract (at least one in English) Subject Categories (1-3) Descriptors (from the Joint Thesaurus): minimum of 3, usually more than 5 Both categories scheme and thesaurus are maintained in collaboration with the Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDE), of the OECD/NEA
International Atomic Energy Agency INIS - Joint INIS/ETDE Thesaurus6 INIS/ETDE Joint Thesaurus Origins in Euratom Thesaurus Maintained by INIS since 1969 Adopted by Energy Technology Data Exchange in the 80s, now managed by both Covers INIS scope + and energy technology scope
International Atomic Energy Agency INIS - Joint INIS/ETDE Thesaurus7 INIS/ETDE Joint Thesaurus Each term has a unique ID Total number of terms: 27,773 Valid terms: 20,973 ‘Forbidden’ terms: 6,800 Head terms: ~3,200
International Atomic Energy Agency INIS - Joint INIS/ETDE Thesaurus8 INIS/ETDE Joint Thesaurus Relationship Symbol Cross reference Hierarchical BT Broader Term (9 levels) NT Narrower Term (9 levels) Affinitive RT Related Term Preferential UF used for; reciprocal USE... UF+ used for; reciprocal USE/AND SF seen for; reciprocal SEE/OR
International Atomic Energy Agency INIS - Joint INIS/ETDE Thesaurus9 INIS Dictionaries INIS only All language dictionaries linked to English terms (via the ID) English, French, German, Russian and Spanish Chinese being completed Arabic started
International Atomic Energy Agency INIS - Joint INIS/ETDE Thesaurus10 Current Developments Computer-assisted indexing Currently installing and tuning a CAI system Adding ‘hidden’ terms (synonyms): expected to add between ,000 such terms) INIS Taxonomy Borrows from an earlier categorisation scheme used by INIS until year 2000 Expected to be completed in 2004 To be used with CAI and retrieval system for navigation and knowledge organisation