Review: Masculine vs. Feminine El vs. La Los vs. Las
¿Masculine or Feminine? ALL nouns in Spanish are either masculine or feminine. You can usually tell if a noun is masculine or feminine by the last letter of that noun. If the last letter is “a” it is feminine. Puerta: feminine noun that means “door” If the last letter is “o” it is masculine. Libro: masculine noun that means “book”
¡Weirdos! If a noun does not end in “o” or “a” it is important to look it up in the dictionary. The dictionary WILL tell you if that noun is masculine or feminine if you do not know. You will also run into a few nouns who do not follow the rule at all! Examples: el agua, el día
PRACTICE: Masculine or Feminine ______ bolígrafo : the pen ______ chica : the girl ______ mesa : the table ______ día : the day ______ pared: the wall (fem. sing.)
¿ “El” or “La” ? When you decide if a noun is masculine or feminine you will also be deciding it’s definite article. All singular masculine nouns use “el” to say “the” before the noun. The book : El libro All singular feminine nouns use “la” to say “the” before the noun. The door: La puerta
¿ “Los” or “Las” ? When you decide if a noun is masculine or feminine you will also be deciding it’s definite article. All PLURAL masculine nouns use “los” to say “the” before the noun. The books : Los libros All PLURAL feminine nouns use “las” to say “the” before the noun. The doors: Las puertas
Making Nouns Plural When your definite article is plural (los/las) your noun must be plural too! To make your nouns plural, follow the steps! 1.) If your noun ends in a vowel (a,e,I,o,u), just add “s” to the end. El Libro Los Libros El Estudiante Los estudiantes 2.) If your noun ends in a consonant, add “es” to the end. El Tenedor Los Tenedores La Mujer Las Mujeres
PRACTICE: Make these nouns plural! Libro: _________________ Árbol: __________________ Pupitre:_________________ Animal: _________________
Now put it all together! Turn the following nouns and definite articles into their plural forms! El amigo ________________ El pared ________________ El día ________________ La muchacha ______________ El vaso ____________