Prof. Wahied Gharieb Ali Abdelaal Faculty of Engineering Computer and Systems Engineering Department Master and Diploma Students CSE 502: Control Systems (1) Topic# 9 Digital Control Design (PID)
2 Outline Introduction Indirect Control Design Digital PID control design Design Examples Direct Control Design Direct Design using Root Locus Deadbeat Control Design
3 Introduction
4 Indirect control Design
5 Indirect Control Design
7 Approximations to Integration Indirect Control Design
8 Euler’s Approximation Indirect Control Design
10 Indirect Control Design
11 Indirect Control Design
12 Indirect Control Design
13 Indirect Control Design
14 Indirect Control Design
15 Digital PID Control Design A proportional controller (P) reduces error responses to disturbances, but still allows a steady-state error. When the controller includes a term proportional to the integral of the error (I), then the steady state error to a constant input is eliminated, although typically at the cost of deterioration in the dynamic response. A derivative control typically makes the system better damped and more stable. Controller Effects
16 Digital PID Control Design Rise timeMaximum overshoot Settling time Steady- state error PDecreaseIncreaseSmall change Decrease I Increase Eliminate DSmall change Decrease Small change Note that these correlations may not be exactly accurate, because P, I and D gains are dependent of each other. Closed-loop Response
17 Digital PID Control Design
18 Digital PID Control Design PID controller with integral anti-windup
19 Digital PID Control Design
20 Digital PID Control Design
21 Digital PID Control Design
22 Digital PID Control Design
23 Digital PID Control Design
24 Digital PID Control Design
25 Digital PID Control Design
26 Discrete time equivalent of analog controller using Euler’s forward method (sampling period =T) Example Design Examples
27 Discrete-time controllers when T = 0.4 s, which is relatively large as compared to the continuous-time controller’s fastest mode e−2t, the discrete-time controller approximation deviates significantly from the continuous-time controller. As the sampling interval is decreased, the step responses of the analog and discrete-time controllers are the same. Design Examples
28 If we use the trapezoidal method, the transfer function of the digital controller becomes Design Examples
29 Design Examples
30 Design Examples
31 Design Examples
32 Design Examples
33 Design Examples
34 Design Examples
35 Design Examples
36 Design Examples
37 Design Examples
38 Design Examples
39 Design Examples
40 Design Examples
41 Design Examples
42 Design Examples
43 Design Examples
44 Direct Control Design
45 Direct Control Design
46 Direct Design using Root Locus
47 Direct Design using Root Locus
48 Direct Design using Root Locus
49 Direct Design using Root Locus
50 Direct Design using Root Locus
51 Direct Design using Root Locus
52 Direct Design using Root Locus
53 Direct Design using Root Locus
54 Direct Design using Root Locus
55 Direct Design using Root Locus
56 Direct Design using Root Locus N= Number of samples per oscillation
57 Direct Design using Root Locus
58 Deadbeat Control Design One difference between a continuous-data control system and a discrete-data control system is that the latter is capable of exhibiting a deadbeat response. A deadbeat response is one that reaches the desired reference trajectory in a minimum amount of time without error. In contrast, a continuous-data system reaches the final steady- state trajectory or value theoretically only when time reaches infinity. The switching operation of sampling allows the discrete-data systems to have a finite transient period.. The output response reaches the desired steady state with zero error in a minimum number of sampling periods without inter sampling oscillations. Design with Deadbeat Response
59 Deadbeat Control Design For the sampled system with ZOH
60 Example: Consider the forward-path transfer function of the uncompensated system is given by Deadbeat Control Design
61 Deadbeat Control Design Closed loop poles at the origin, so it is so fast Steady state after two samples without error
62 Deadbeat Control Design
63 Deadbeat Control Design
64 Deadbeat Control Design The output is delayed one sample than the input Explain
65 Deadbeat Control Design
66 Deadbeat Control Design
67 Deadbeat Control Design
68 Deadbeat Control Design
69 Deadbeat Control Design
70 Deadbeat Control Design
71 Deadbeat Control Design
72 Deadbeat Control Design
73 Deadbeat Control Design
74 Deadbeat Control Design
75 Deadbeat Control Design