National Chapter 2015 National Chapter Award Presentation
National Chapter Award Program Program website Innovator Guides Handbook Program Overview Application Tips Program of Activities Resources Contact: 2015 National FFA and National FFA Foundation Inservice Resources for Success
National Chapter Award Program Now available on Optional use in 2015 Mirrors the Excel version of the application Instructions sheet for access Exports into Excel, thus changes can be made after exporting Examples: font color/bolding, text changes Advisors can “assign a student” to work on the application Important to review export to ensure all text appears Your feedback is welcomed after using the online application 2015 National FFA and National FFA Foundation Inservice Online Application
National Chapter Award Program 2015 National FFA and National FFA Foundation Inservice Tips for Success Consult the handbook and resources online Follow the rubric Be detailed and to the point Ensure quality standards are marked, not duplicated Make sure all pages and appropriate signatures are included Use high quality photos of activities
Agriscience Fair Program Program website Handbook Research Resource Guide Program Overview & Tips Standards Crosswalk Contact: 2015 National FFA and National FFA Foundation Inservice Resources for Success
2015 National FFA and National FFA Foundation Inservice Contact Information Jenna Genson Education Specialist Madeline Young Program Manager Shared boxes: