Learning Targets I can use the components of domain three to identify accomplished instruction. I can use the framework language to analyze and rate scenarios so I know how I will be evaluated.
FROM THIS: A Paradigm Shift So how did I do? TO THIS: How can I improve?
Evidence for Domain 3
3A: Communicating with Students
What does 3A say? Review the description of component 3A on page 59. Highlight the words on pages that you see as critical for moving from one performance level to the next. Think: “How can I show evidence of accomplished instruction in the area of component 3A?” Share with others at your table
Vocabulary is too advanced or too simplistic for the students Teacher uses rich language, offering brief vocabulary lessons as appropriate Teacher’s vocabulary is inappropriate to the age of the students The teacher’s vocabulary is appropriate to the students'’ ages and levels of development 3A: Communicating with Students
2. Vocabulary is too advanced or too simplistic for the students 4. Teacher uses rich language, offering brief vocabulary lessons as appropriate 1. Teacher’s vocabulary is inappropriate to the age of the students 3. The teacher’s vocabulary is appropriate to the students’ ages and levels of development And the results are…
3B: Questioning & Discussion Techniques
What does 3B say? Work in small groups of 4-5. Review the description of component 3B on page Highlight the words on pages that you see as critical for moving from one performance level to the next. Think: “How can I show evidence of accomplished instruction in the area of component 3B?” Share with others at your table
3B: Questioning & Discussion Techniques
Effective Questioning + Discussion Leads students to... deeper understanding of content rethinking hypotheses and viewpoints making connections Effective questioning also... sets the stage for engaging discussions
High Quality Questions Are open-ended Allow multiple answers Allow multiple approaches to the answer Cause students to think critically Are challenging Short answer Usually a single “right” answer Single line of inquiry Usually recall questions which do not require critically thinking Low Level Questions
3C: Engaging Students in Learning
What does 3C say? Work in small groups of 4-5. Watch the following video. Using the description of component 3C on page and the words on pages 72-73, highlight the critical attributes of this teacher and her lesson. Share with others at your table.
3D: Using Assessment in Instruction
What does 3D say? Work in small groups of 4-5. Review the description of component 3D on page Highlight the words on pages that you see as critical for moving from one performance level to the next. Think: “How can I show evidence of accomplished instruction in the area of component 3D?” Share with others at your table.
Assessment as Feedback Read the quotes on the handout Pick one quote and tell a partner why it resonates with you in connection with assessment Discuss: “Assessment for Instruction vs Assessment of Instruction”
3E: Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness
What does 3E say? Work in small groups of 4-5. Review the description of component 3E on page 81. Highlight the words on pages that you see as critical for moving from one performance level to the next. Think: “How can I show evidence of accomplished instruction in the area of component 3E?” Share with others at your table.
Give One Get One In the “Give One” column write down 1-2 specific examples of instruction that meets level 3 or 4 for each element of domain three – Instruction. When given the signal to “Get One”, exchange papers with a partner and share by “giving” one of your examples and “getting” one of your partners’ examples.
Learning Targets I can use the components of domain three to identify accomplished instruction. I can use the framework language to analyze and rate scenarios so I know how I will be evaluated.