In Crookfur Primary School
5-14 Assessment Standardised Test information Gathered assessment information termly Target Setting Skills planner language and maths
East Renfrewshire Skills Framework Introduction of Planning blocks October to January January to May May to October Less time on long term planning Transitions Moderation Facilitators
Experiences and Outcomes Skills Framework Design rich learning experiences Learning Intentions and success criteria Design Principles Interdisciplinary learning Four context for learning Planning
Engaging and active tasks Connecting the learning Generate clear and measurable success criteria Timely accurate feedback Support dialogue with learners Lesson study pilot Learning Teaching Assessment
Progression Framework Significant aspects of learning Appropriate assessment approaches Gather evidence of progress Acknowledge prior experiences and learning Support dialogue Profiling process Monitoring and Tracking progress and achievement Attainment Achievement Progress
Professional judgement Professional dialogue Learning conversations Identify next steps and suitable feedback Pace and challenge Opportunities for Moderation: school, cluster, authority Learning visits Self Evaluation
Learners progress pace and challenge Evaluation of learning teaching and assessment Professional judgements Experiences and Outcomes Skills framework Target setting Professional Dialogue