Key Stage 1 SATS
Outline What are SATs? An outline of the tasks and tests Levels The results What you can do to help Dates Teacher assessment
What are SATs? SATs- Standard Assessment Tests Tests are given at the end of year 2, year 6 and year 9. Used to show your child's progress Each child is assessed in Reading, writing maths and science. In KS1 the emphasis is on teacher assessment, the tests support this judgement.
Tasks and Tests Assessment Area ReadingReading paper [Level 2] or [Level 3] orReading task with teacher. Sharing a book; running record, and discussion. WritingSpelling Test [All] Long task [All] Approx 45 mins Short task [All] Approx 30 mins MathsTest paper [Level 2] or [Level 3] Chn can have help reading questions. orMaths task with teacher.
Levels W12c2b2a3 W = Working towards level 1 Each level has subdivisions. C – just entering the level, not yet secure B – secure in the level A – secure and moving towards next level National Average for end of Year 2 > 2B Level 3 is expected for average 9 year old Level 1 and 3 subdivisions not shown on SATs results. What levels children sit will be decided nearer the time.
Results The children are teacher assessed throughout the year; The tests are used to inform final teacher judgements. Report only teacher assessments to the L.E.A.; We are obliged to report to parents only the teacher assessment levels;
What can you do to help? Read together every day and ask questions about the story Use number problems in every day life, at the shops, on the bus, telling the time etc. Practice handwriting/spellings Keep calm-KS1 SATs are done as subtly as possible. It is a quiz not a test.
Dates Half term tests in numeracy, spelling and reading comprehension. Assessed writing will be done termly Mock papers will begin March/April SATs tests will roughly take place wb 11 th May- 5 th June (Obviously excluding half term 25 th May-1 st June)
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Information Summary sheets are provided on the tables.