Healthy Schools (HS), PSHE & Wellbeing Professional support, advice and training including: HS development including the new HS London accreditation (register your school at INSET and CPD related to healthy living, learning and wellbeing: PHSE, PSED, personal development, Sex & Relationships Education (SRE), drugs and substance misuse education, emotional health & wellbeing and SEAL
Healthy Schools (HS), PSHE & Wellbeing INSET and CPD related to healthy living, learning and wellbeing: Anti-bullying reviews (behaviour, safeguarding and safety from bullying) T&L & subject reviews (e.g. PSHE, SRE, Citizenship), lesson observations, monitoring, assessment & evaluation Policy development e.g. SRE, anti-bullying, drugs education, School Council, food, etc Spiritual, moral, social & cultural development (SMSC) education reviews Student voice & Citizenship as well as healthy lifestyles and food in schools
Healthy Schools (HS), PSHE & Wellbeing Curriculum design & development Broker support as required, working closely with key partners, agencies & providers For further information, please