1 SVEEP initiatives in Chamarajanagar District during Lokasabha Elections 2014 Date : Presented by, Dr. K.H.Narasimha murthy, Chief Executive Officer, Zilla Panchayath, Chamarajanagar. Chairman, SVEEP.
Basic Inforamtion Population : 10,20,791 Literacy Rate: 61% Socio-Economic background: Scheduled Caste and Tribes are more in number, followed by OBCs. Agriculture is the primary source of income. Geographical details: Total forest cover of 52%. Bordering Tamil Nadu and Kerala states
3 July 20153
Total Voter Turnout in 2009 : 69% 4 Observed Draw backs Low/Non participation of Marginalized sections like people with disabilities & transgender Poor voting turnout among forest dwellers/tribal voters. Poor Urban voting. Boycott threats – due to various reasons like developmental hiccups etc.. A gender gap of 5% in voting turn out Previous Elections
Strategy (Based on Inclusion Motivation Facilitation) Phase I : Enrollment drive : Wave like programs at all levels of the district involving: college students Home guards Anganawadi / ASHA Workers For Organizing Jathas, Meetings and door to door campaign. As a result of this 17,000 + new applications received for enrollment. Phase II : Goals : Promoting Ethical voting practices. Achieving 100% voters turn out. 5
Target Groups Transgender voters. Voters with disabilities. Urban Voters. Forest Dwellers / Tribal Voters. Women Voters. Young Voters. 6
Transgender Voters The Most visibly invisible Group. One to one interaction with community members. Partnered with SAMATHA, a community Based initiative working with transgender group. Outcome Topped the state in transgender voter turn out – though a small number, but had far reaching effect. Around transgender individuals have come forward to enroll themselves now. 7
People with Disabilities (A Vulnerable Group) Organized : Mock polling camp. an exclusive EVM familiarization camp for Visually Challenged voters participated 12 EVM familiarization camps for people with disability participated Sensitized polling officials on the special needs of these voters while voting. (Time limit) Partnered with Mobility India (NGO) to implement these initiatives. Outcome Better awareness among the group now Media feedback indicated positive feelers among these voters in specific and in the public in general. Better response from this group towards ongoing enrollment drive. 9
Forest Dwellers / Tribal Voters (A Marginal Group - Facing geographical as well as developmental crisis.) Organized 5- one to one interaction meets with tribal voters - 10,000 + direct participation. Involved Ashrama School teachers to provide motivation through one to one interaction involving door to door visit. Coordinated with Forest Department to arrange vehicle facilities on Voting day - Involved polling party vehicles too. Overall Outcome An increase of 9% in voter turnout in Hanur A/C (Predominately Forest area) Better response for the ongoing enrollment drive. 11
Urban Apathy Multi level approach to tackle Urban apathy. Involved Post Graduate students of PG Center, University of Mysore - conducted door to door campaigns. Involved under Graduate students to conduct door to door campaigns. Organized Mega Jathas in all the 5-Urban centers. Organized Candle Marches. Overall Outcome An increase of 16% in voter turnout (From 53% to 69%) Visible response for the ongoing enrollment drive. 13
Bridging the Gender Gap (Unique Socio-Economic & Religious realities often result in poor participation among women) Hence Involved women SHGs to motivate women Voters Stree-shakthi (SHG) actively participated. Partnered with Mahila Samakya & MYRADA (NGOs) Around one lakh New-literates (Literacy Mission) of the district took out simultaneous Jathas in all 120-GPs of the district. Outcome The Gender gap got reduced to 2.5% from the previous 5% 15
women voter awareness meets
The Resolved Boycotts Due to various socio-legal-political reasons 5 villages threatened to boycott Loksabha Elections. Purani Podu (A tribal hamlet which had boycotted assembly elections of 2013) Doddane (A village in the heart of M.M.Hills Forest) Moodala Agrahara Ramapura Surapura. Personal visits were done - interacted with the voters – convinced them to participate in the voting process. Outcome 70% to 80% voter turnout in all the 5 villages. NO BOYCOTTS. 17
Over all Out Come An increase of 6% in overall voting from the previous 69% to 75% An increase of 16% voter turnout among Urban Voters. An increase of 9% voter turnout in Forest areas. Reduced Gender gap : 2.5% from the previous 5% BUT …. The Truth lies Beyond the Numbers : The most Invisible-Marginal-Vulnerable groups are brought to the main stream. The District Administrative System interacted at multi levels with the voters on one to one basis. Conducive Environment has been created in the district. 18
News papers reports about SVEEP Activities
A Few Suggestions 1. Audio enabled EVMs are needed so that Visually Challenged Voters could vote more confidently. 2. Consistent and sustained engagement with tribal voters is needed, as they are often at the receiving end of various developmental activities. 3. Urban Apathy needs constructive approach. Attempts to remove various bottlenecks like lack of proper drinking water and drainage facilities is the need of the hour. Otherwise motivating urban voters in the coming days is difficult. Good coordination among the various departments working in the urban areas. 20
Thank You… ….. Our Aim is to change the MIND SET OF PEOPLE. SVEEP has to SWEEP NOW !!! It has to happen Now….Otherwise it will Never !!!