Data Migration Process
Table of Contents Purpose and Prerequisites Data Migration Data Flow Data Migration Process Flow Data Migration Process Description Roles and Responsibilities Premium Collection after Data Migration Roll-outs PLI Data Cleansing Data Mapping McCamish Modules
Purpose, Inputs and Output for Data Migration Process The purpose of Data Migration Process is to ensure a smooth, accurate and timely migration of data from existing PLI/RPLI system to McCamish without impacting customer service and productivity of the customer. Forms part of content for Data Migration training to IP-PLI Purpose Sign off on Data Migration Plan Confirmation from IP-PLI on preparedness of office data to be migrated. LAN/WAN network readiness confirmation Command Center should be ready List of offices identified for Data Migration as per Rollout Plan Entry Criteria/ Inputs Data Migration from PLI/RPLI to McCamish Sign off on Reconciliation Reports Exit Criteria/ Output
Data Migration Data flow
Data Migration Process Flow Sign-off from IP (PLI) ----------------------- PMU – IP (PLI) PLI to run scripts and share the discrepancy report with the circles --------------------------- IP (PLI) Data is clean or not? To next phase Data Mapping (Source System v/s Target System) --------------------------- DM Team - Infosys Share scripts of Data Cleansing rules with NIC/PLI Infosys Data Cleansing & Enrichment Sys Admin – IP (PLI) YES NO DB – Converted and Cleansed data of all HOs Sign-off on DM Plan -Finalise DM Process -DM Training -LAN/WAN Readiness
Data Migration Process Flow…Contd. Data Validation & Correction ------------------------- Circle Officer – Infosys & IP (PLI) From previous phase Transfer PLI/RPLI DB from NIC ------------------------- DM Team - Infosys Extract Data ------------------------- Stage 1 Area Transform Source Data into format as reqd. by Target System --------------------------- Target Schema Tables (Stage 2 Area) Reconciliation ------------------------- Data Upload ------------------------- Upload Team - Infosys Pre-staging Area Data Profiling Report Reconciliation Report Sign-off -------------- PMU – IP (PLI) McCamish Staging Area
Data Migration Process Flow…Contd. From previous phase Trial Run ------------------------ DM Team - Infosys One-time activity for the selected offices Sign-off -------------- PMU – IP (PLI) SIT Report System Integration Testing --------------------------- DM Team - Infosys UAT Report Mock Run ------------------------ DM Team - Infosys User Acceptance Testing --------------------------- Zonal PMs – Infosys & End User IP (PLI) Bug Fixing YES Is SIT successful? NO Bug Fixing Is UAT successful? NO Data Uploading - Final ------------------------ DM Team - Infosys YES End McCamish Tables
Data Migration Process Description Identifying source tables from PLI/RPLI system Identifying source tables from McCamish system Perform data mapping exercise Data Mapping Data Cleansing Data will be extracted from the pre staging area. After validation and correction using validation engine the content of DB would be replicated to Stage 1 area for data transformation process Data Transformation is the process of applying a set of rules to bring PLI/RPLI data to the same format as the McCamish . After transformation the Data will be inserted to the Stage 2 area and thereafter uploading to McCamish Staging Area Data Extraction, Transformation and Loading Sharing of PLI/RPLI Data cleansing scripts to NIC by Infosys. NIC will share the discrepancy reports to Circle offices after executing the scripts Data will be cleansed and enriched with the help of Data Enrichment Cleansing Rules by DoP The cleansed DB will be transferred to the pre staging area
Data Migration Process Description The reconciliation reports will be generated and validated before the uploading process In the Upload process data will be loaded to Stage 2 Area From Stage 2 area, data will be further migrated to production Trial migration will happen for selected offices Mock migration will happen across offices Data Extraction, Transformation and Loading (Cont.) After trial migration, system integration testing will be performed which will be followed by mock migration .After mock migration, user acceptance testing will be performed. After UAT, data will be further migrated to production User Acceptance testing and Final Upload
Roles and Responsibilities
Premium Collection after Data Migration roll-outs
Data Discrepancy Report
Data Discrepancy Report
Data issues Policy Status not known or is incorrect in system Pay Mode is Null Medical is Null or is Invalid DO Code is Null Spouse DOB is Null (YS) Invalid Gender Invalid Category Difference between DOB and DOA is more than 45 years (CWLA Policies) . Policies with loan amount less than 1000.
Data Cleansing Infosys provided data cleansing scripts to DoP to generate policy wise data discrepancy report for Pilot offices DoP to get those scripts run and share discrepancy report with respective offices To run these scripts, appropriate access to database is required Cleansing is to be done manually mostly by referring to case files and/or related ledger / table Refer to data cleansing rules for more details in share point
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