Postgraduate Research Skills Training Dr Liam Marnane Dean of Graduate Studies
Traditional PhD Apprenticeship Model –Student Supervisor Focus on Research –Excellence in Research Outcome –Position in Academia –Specialist in Industry
Changing Nature of PhD Can we help you prepare for research better? Can we broaden the areas you learn about? What will you do afterwards and how can we prepare you for this?
Over to You What Training, Skills, etc. do you require for your (a)Research (b)Future Career
UCC Structured PhD Pillar 1: High quality research experience Pillar 2: Modules for Credit & other training opportunities Pillar 3: Annual Review Pillar 4: Co-Supervision or Supervisor & Advisor
Pillar 2: Coursework and Training Masters by Research:- Minimum research content of 90 Credits PhD:- Minimum research content of 240 Credits –Max 30 credits of training over 3 years –Max 90 credits of training over 4 years
Pillar 2: Coursework and Training 15 credit minimum level of training over course of the PhD PG-coded modules (specific to research students) Discipline specific modules Recognition of external modules (up to 10 credits) Elements such as internships may be recognised for credit
Transferable Skills Training Research skills and awareness Ethics and social understanding Communication skills Personal effectiveness/development Team working and leadership Career management Entrepreneurship & innovation
Over to You What training do you think you need?
PG Coded Modules PG6001 STEPS - Scientific Training for Enhanced Postgraduate Studies PG6003 Teaching and Learning Module for Graduate Studies PG6004 Getting Started with Graduate Research and Generic Skills PG6005 Biotechniques PG6008 Qualitative Data Analysis and Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software for the Social Sciences and Humanities PG6009 Graduate Information Literacy Skills PG6010 Editing Skills for Research Postgraduates in the Humanities and Social Sciences PG6011 Digital Skills for Research Postgraduates in the Humanities and Social Sciences PG6012 Scholarly Approaches to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education PG6014 Scientific Outreach and Communication PG6015 An Introduction to Research Ethics PG6016 Research Journal and Presentation Skills PG6017 Teaching and Demonstrating Skills for Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences (BEES) Postgraduate Students PG6018 Business Model Innovation Management PG6019 Cloud Fundamentals PG6020 Business Research Skills PG6021 English for Postgraduate Studies (Upper-Intermediate: B2+) PG6022 English for Postgraduate Studies (Lower Advanced: C1) PG6023 English for Postgraduate Studies (Advanced: C1+) PG6024 Qualitative Research Inquiry
PG Coded Modules PG7002 Professional Training of Research Postgraduates in the Humanities & Social Sciences PG7003 The PhD II: From Development to Completion PG7004 Master Class: Contemporary Theoretical Paradigms in the Humanities and Social Sciences PG7005 Narratives PG7006 Research Skills and Digital Research Management PG7010 Theory and Philosophy for the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Summer School PG7011 Theory and Philosophy for the Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences Summer School PG7012 International Political Anthropology Summer School PG7013 International Political Anthropology Summer School PG7014 Creativity and Innovation for Research Students PG7016 Systematic Reviews for the Health Sciences PG7017 Project Management for Research Students PG7018 Special Topics in the Humanities and Social Sciences Intensive School PG7019 Comparing: Objects, Approaches, Problems, Opportunities PG7021 An Introduction to Ethics of Health Research PG7022 PhD Internship (for the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences) PG7023 Classical Grounded Theory Methodology PG7026 PhD Internship (for the College of Science, Engineering and Food Science) PG7029 PhD Internship (for the College of Business and Law) PG7030 Technology Business Planning PG7031 Creativity and Opportunity Recognition PG7032 Marketing for High Technology Entrepreneurs
Factors in Choosing Modules Training Needs Analysis – what do you need help with? Consider your workload Consider the relevance (note how these are judged by others, e.g., IRCHSS) Check timing of delivery and how to apply What are the benefits? What about intellectual satisfaction/ stimulation How can you accelerate your completion? Don’t sign up for everything that is available!
Thank you!