Gender mainstreaming and Nutrition Briefing to cluster, Kiev, Ukraine April Pham, IASC Senior GenCap Advisor for Ukraine, 13 may 2015
In crisis situations In crisis situations, mainstreaming a gender focus from the outset: – allows for a more accurate understanding of the situation; – enables us to meet the needs and priorities of the population in a more targeted manner, based on how women, girls, boys and men have been affected by the crisis; – ensures that all people affected by a crisis are acknowledged and that all their needs and vulnerabilities are taken into account; and – facilitates the design of more appropriate and effective responses.
1: Gender analysis Analyse the particular nutritional vulnerabilities of boys and, on that basis, take the adequate corrective measures - are there are gender differences?
2: SADD Disaggregate by sex the number of aid beneficiaries, recruited community mediators and care personnel targeted for training
3: Involvement of fathers? Ensure that fathers and mothers are equally targeted by food education activities. The engagement of fathers in taking care of malnutrition cases needs to be encouraged
4: Consult women Systematically consult women in order to identify with them the opening hours and days that are most convenient to them
5: Gender balance Ensure that care teams and community mediators consist of an equal number of women and men.
Gender Marker A tool for analysis in project design Coding projects on scale 0 to 2 (0 gender blind, 1 – limited consideration of gender, 2a/b – significant consideration of gender)
Planning What are the experiences of the different sex and age groups when it comes to nutrition? Are there differences based on sex and age? What are the trends? What are some of the issues you may have to consider in this context? And how will you consider this in your planning?