WELCOME TO TALLMADGE CITY SCHOOLS Resident Educators, New Teachers and Mentors Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Welcome! Meet District Staff Tallmadge City Schools: Excellent Rating!!! A great place to work and live….involved, supportive parents! Mentor Meetings: great way to network with a small group that was hired at the same time you were.
Standard 5: Learning Environment Learning Environment: Teachers create learning environments that promote high levels of learning and achievement for all students.
Learning Environment Teachers treat all students fairly and establish an environment that is respectful, supportive and caring. Teachers create an environment that is physically and emotional safe. Teachers motivate students to work productively and assume responsibility for their learning. Teacher create learning situations in which students work independently, collaboratively and/or as a whole class. Teachers maintain an environment that is conducive to learning for all students.
Learning Environment DIRECTIONS Each pair will read one indicator from the Areas of Focus for Standard 5. Chart out “evidence” of what you would see in a successful classroom. When you finish, be thinking about some of the challenges you might face when making that ideal classroom a reality.
Freeze Frame We just completed an activity about the learning environment: What are of the activities you could use in your classroom? How could you use them? Adapt them?
Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession (OSTP) The Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession were developed for use as a guide for teachers as they continually reflect upon and improve their effectiveness as educators through all stages of their careers.
Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession (OSTP) Standard 1: Students Standard 2: Content Standard 3: Assessment Standard 4: Instruction Standard 5: Learning Environment Standard 6: Collaboration and Communication Standard 7: Professional Responsibility and Growth
Let’s look at our goals…. Too broad? Too narrow? Once you have narrowed your topic, write down your topic as a question. Example: What procedures can I put in place to help my students do more thoughtful independent work?
SMART Goals What are they? Why use them? How do you write them?
Why SMART Goals? Goals state a desired future achievement SMART Goals assist in getting focused SMART Goals help define exactly what “the future” state looks like and how it will be measured SMART Goals show others how their work aligns and relates to the focus of the school
What are SMART Goals? Specific Measureable Attainable Results-Oriented/Relevant Time-bound
How to write SMART goals I will lose weight. I will lose 5 lbs by June 1 by eliminating sugar from my diet and walking 10,000 steps a day.
Improve this goal…. I will create more formative and summative assessments.
Are you in the ballpark…. By the completion of the 1 st quarter I plan to have created and administered 3 formative assessments for one unit of material on commonly missed topics that students will retest on until mastery is shown on the summative assessment.
Self-Assessment Summary Take out your Self-Assessment Form that you brought with you Also take out the Self-assessment Summary from your folder Review the Self-Assessment Form and complete the Summary with your mentor
Goal Setting: SLOs, SGMs, PGPs Using your Self-Assessment Summary, see if you can write a SMART Goal and determine what Standard this goal will address. Be ready to share your SMART Goal. If you complete one SMART Goal, begin to work on a second one.
SMART Goals (PGPs) Are used with PLC’s You are to use them to help you obtain results as a professional Small steps on your way to reaching your over arching goal(s)….
One final word of advice…. “Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves.” Rainer Maria Rilke, poet
Housekeeping Collect the “48 words or less” Calendar of meetings…attendance is a must. This afternoon: Meeting with Kurt Gwin, Director of Technology Back to buildings…meet with mentors and/or principals Mentors meet with lead mentors
Housekeeping Talk with your mentor during lunch about Opening Day….time, where to go, what to wear, etc. Be there on time and be there ready to impress! Introductions in Auditorium….all eyes will be on you….Superintendent, BOE members, the Mayor of Tallmadge
Questions? Seek your mentor Seek another colleague Seek a Lead Mentor Don’t hesitate….ask!
You are appreciated…. Have an AWESOME school year! Thanks for all you do for our students!