Never Let Me Go Chapters 9, 10 & 11
At what age do you feel people can be truly ‘in love’? Why do people of a certain age feel that sex and relationships are an important part of daily life? Are they?
To what extent do you feel the students at Hailsham engage in sex and relationships for (a) love or (b) because they can? Kathy says that the guardians were ‘normals’ (p 94). What does this mean? Why would ‘normals’ be uncomfortable with the idea of the students having sex with each other? Chapter 8 Questions
Kathy says she wants to ‘practice’ with Harry Kathy says she wants to ‘practice’ with Harry. What does this suggest about her character? She seems concerned that her thoughts about sex are not ‘normal’. To what extent do you agree or disagree with her?
completed What does this word mean? What does it suggest? How does the language used help to dehumanize those involved in donating?
Consider the relationships between Ruth, Kathy and Tommy. What tensions exist between the three of them, and why? How does Kathy feel about being asked to help Ruth with Tommy? What does this tell us about how Ruth views the relationship between Tommy and Kathy? How does Tommy feel about Ruth, and vice versa? How does Kathy feel about Tommy, and vice versa? Love Triangle
Chapter 9 Questions Miss Lucy says that the artwork is ‘important’ as ‘evidence’. What does this suggest? Evidence of what? She goes on to say that there are things the students will never understand about Hailsham, and ‘about your place in the wider world’ (p106). What does she mean? Kathy casually makes references to going to ‘Culture Briefings’. What were these, and what purpose did they serve?
Why does Miss Lucy leave Hailsham Why does Miss Lucy leave Hailsham? What implications does this have for the reader? Why is Tommy so affected by her leaving? Chapter 9 Questions
Why does Ishiguro choose to end Part One here? What key plot events have occurred thus far? What have we learnt about the three main characters thus far?
Name: Nickname: Clubs/Activities: Favourite quote(s): Likes: Dislikes: Voted Most Likely to….. Create a series of ‘ Hailsham yearbook snapshots’ for Ruth, Tommy and Kathy. You should include: Their names A picture A suitable nickname that they may have had A list of activities, clubs, sports etc. that they participated in Quotes that character would have chosen to include in their bio, which shows something important about them A list of their likes and dislikes ( hobbies, music, books, artists, food, etc.) Voted most likely to….by their classmates.
Part Two of the novel marks a new ‘in-between’ stage in the students’ lives. Imagine you are Ruth or Tommy. Write a letter to Kathy, in which you reflect on your time and experiences growing up at Hailsham, and your thoughts/desires for the future.
Consider the way Keffers interacts and responds to the students at the Cottages. Is it discomfort or disgust that he feels towards them? How do you know? What does being put into various halfway homes suggest about the students abilities to look after themselves? What does it suggest about their ability to ‘integrate’ into the world of the ‘normals’? Chapter 10 Questions
‘…no one would stop us if we wandered off, provided we were back by the day and the time we entered into Keffer’s ledgerbook.’ (p116) Are the students truly free? Are they comfortable exploring the outside world?
Kathy describes how people tend to mimic ‘appropriate’ and ‘normal’ behaviour that they see on the television. Why might they do this?
It isn’t until the students are away from Hailsham and ‘settled’ into the Cottages that Kathy starts to stand up to Ruth. What does this change signify? What are your impressions of Ruth? Why does she lie and manipulate people?
Find quotes that sum up their relationship What sort of relationship exists between Ruth and Kathy, throughout the novel? Find quotes that sum up their relationship
To what extent can Ruth be said to be ‘two-faced’/ have two distinct personalities/sides? Despite being ‘hot and cold’ with Kathy, she is always quick to defend Ruth’s behaviour to others, and to us (the reader). Why? What does this suggest about her character?
In what ways are the ‘collections’ something to be pitied by us, the reader? Ruth shows embarrassment towards her collection, but Kathy does not. What does this tell us about the two characters? Chapter 11 Questions
Consider the presence of pornography at the Cottages. Can all of the porn be remnants of ‘Steve’? What does this suggest about the students at the Cottages? Tommy seems to think Kathy is ‘looking for something’ in the porn magazines . How does she react to his suggestion? What could she possibly hope to find there?