Cynthia Gerst, Research Program Manager Ohio Department of Transportation July 23, 2014
Idea Develop and deliver a coordinated and continuing TRB training program that enhances the knowledge, skills and abilities of those who manage transportation research programs.
Objectives 1)Raise the stature of transportation research and innovation managers 2)Ensure high quality research programs and projects that contribute to meeting transportation goals 3)Provide research managers with a sense of belonging to a profession 4)Provide research managers with credits towards professional licenses and/or certifications 5)Better communicate the value of research and research results to those outside of the research community, particularly to those with the ability to implement innovation and technology enhancements
Progress 2011 TRB Technical Activities Council Initial discussion Mission alignment 2012 TRB Standing Committees Conduct of Research Technology Transfer 2013 AASHTO RAC Task Forces Regions Curriculum Plan 2014 Task Force AM Workshop ABG05T Framework NCHRP scope
Ahead of the Curve Working Group Curriculum Victoria Beale Chandra Bhat Quality & Credibility Skip Paul Katie Turnbull Marketing & Communication Mara Campbell Laura Melendy Mark Norman James Bryant Cynthia Gerst Barbara Harder
Draft Curriculum Fall 2013 meetings: –Framework –Courses Introductory course Core courses –Making Research Relevant –Running the Program –Delivering the Program –Program Quality Improvement Electives
Recommended Electives 1.Effective Problem Statements 2.Performance Measurement 3.Information and Knowledge Management 4.Advocating/Being a Champion 5.Innovation Management and Risk Management 6.Funding 7.Scientific Methods 8.Intellectual Property, Innovation and Technology Transfer 9.Strategic Planning for Research 10.Building Trusted Credible Partnerships 11.Continuous Quality Improvement 12.Program Design
Seven Keys to Building a Robust Research Program (NCHRP) Accelerating the Rate of Innovation Among State DOTs (NCHRP Domestic Scan) Improving University Management of Intellectual Property (NRC Report) Funding Sources for Transportation Research: Competitive Programs (TRB website) Communicating the Value of Transportation Research (NCHRP) Scientific Approaches to Transportation Research (NCHRP) Performance Measurement Toolbox and Reporting System for Research Programs and Projects (NCHRP) Problem identification and statement writing (Effective problem statements webinar, document) … Gathering Resources
Curriculum Group –Introductory Course Development SCOR funding –Approval for $60,000 –Consultant to develop Detailed outlines for 4 core courses Outlines for 12 elective courses Course Momentum
Continuing –Communication and Recruiting Friends & Volunteers Fall 2014 –Introductory Course –Consultant contract for outlines –Certificate recommendations –Marketing & Communications January 2015 –Introductory Course Pilot at TRB Annual Meeting 2015 –Curriculum Development – Core and Elective Next Steps
Introductory Course Pilot Thursday January 16, :30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.