NATIONAL YOUTH POLICY 2020 NYP 2020 The Department of Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Young people: Moving our South Africa Forward National Youth Policy NYP 2020
The Presidency: Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Policy formulation roadmap /03-15 Writers workshop to sharpen draft policy for public comment Public comments Youth summit Cabinet approval Provincial meetings Gathering of initial inputs Cabinet to approve for public comment
3 Jobs, Jobs, Jobs, entrepreneurship enabled Quality Education, access to FET/HE and Skills Second chances for even those who were incarcerated Deal with Drug Scourge: Treatment and prevention Reproductive health care, mental health care and healthy lifestyles As youth we are capable enable us/foster values of tolerance and respect for self and others/civic education Don’t reinvent the wheel, anchor the NYP2020 on existing government policies for youth and transform the NYDA and the youth machinery Youth comments confirms research
The Presidency: Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation integrate youth development into the mainstream of government policies, programmes and the national budget strengthen the capacity of key youth development institutions and ensure integration and coordination in the delivery of youth services strengthen the capacities of young people to enable them to take charge of their own wellbeing through building their assets and ultimately realising their potential to the fullest strengthen a culture of patriotic citizenship among young people and help them to become responsible adults who care for their families and others foster a sense of national cohesion, while acknowledging existence of diverse circumstances and needs by providing opportunities to address these NYP 2020 objectives inculcate the spirit of patriotism by encouraging visible and active participation in different youth initiatives/projects and nation building activities 4
The Presidency: Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation The Constitution The National Development Plan NYDA Act Various International Frameworks such as the African Youth Charter Relevant Policies and Legislative Frameworks Government’s monitoring framework to ensure implementation thereof. 5
The Presidency: Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Values and principles worthempowermentsocial beings Participation and transformation Youth focussed access The promotion of social and economic transformation and integration Intentional youth-focused interventions that prioritise addressing the needs of young people effectively Youth of diverse backgrounds must access resources and services crucial to their total development Inherent worth and inborn dignity of youth Empowerment of young people as assets for national development It is critical that social network support systems are strengthened to ensure proper development of youth 6
Unemployment High Drop-out rates Poor reproductive health and substance abuse/Lack of access to sporting activities Lack of social cohesion Inadequate framework for youth work and weak youth development machinery Issues affecting the youth
Economic transformation & participation Skills development /2 nd chances Health care Drug strategy Social cohesion Optimising the youth machinery Initiatives
The Presidency: Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Industrial policy interventions to improve labour- absorption in the economy Stimulate hiring of first-time job seekers Improved Public Work Programmes including National Youth Service Skills development and training Work exposure measures to provide opportunities to gain on-the-job experience including internships Interventions to promote and support youth entrepreneurship and cooperatives Mining industry must promote equity participation BEE and Land Reform The policy: economic transformation and participation Including full implementation of the youth accord 9
The Presidency: Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Strengthen and expand the number of TVET colleges Enhance full funding assistance to students from poor families A tax incentive to employers to reduce the initial cost of hiring young labour-market entrants and a subsidy to the placement sector A formalised graduate recruitment scheme for the public service Expand the role of state-owned enterprises in training artisans and technical professionals Strengthen the capacity of key youth development institutions The Policy: Skills Development and Second Chances DBE should accelerate implementation of the White Paper on Special Needs Education DHET and DBE should reduce the number of youth at risk of premature exit from the education system Promote young people’s access to information Provide out of school youth with second chances to complete education, by promoting vocational training programmes 10
The Presidency: Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation The Policy: Health including Reproductive Health Care Enabling access to SRHR services and information, and the ability to exercise personal choice in decisions Inculcating a core value system void of gender stereotyping and prejudices; fostering a sense of inner- belief, self- and mutual respect, along with a deepened understanding of others’ and their own sexuality; grooming skills and capacities to be assertive and exercise agency universal access to quality health care, government is establishing a publicly funded and publicly administered National Health Insurance Formulating evidence based revisions of legislation, policies, strategies and guidelines 11
The Presidency: Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Reduced availability of dependence- forming substances/drugs, including alcoholic beverages Strengthen the ability of all people in South Africa to deal with problems related to substance abuse within communities Drug Strategy Creation of job opportunities in the field of combating substance abuse Harmonisation and enforcement of laws and policies to facilitate effective governance of the supply chain with regard to alcohol and other drugs Provision of recreational facilities and diversion programmes that prevent vulnerable populations from becoming substance abusers/dependents 12
The Presidency: Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Actively support the development of youth leaders in all sectors. Young people must familiarise themselves with the Constitution and assimilate it with their behaviour Leadership begins at home: integrity Confront systematic racism within society. Sustained campaigns should focus on raising awareness and changing attitudes Young people must be at the forefront of educating themselves and inspired by our rich legacy, produce real stories that facilitate healing, nation building and dialogue. Media in particular the national broadcaster must give these productions air time Social Cohesion13
The Presidency: Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Optimising the Youth Machinery The NYDA will remain catalyst for youth development Given challenges of youth unemployment clear that the NYDA cannot be everything to youth development Government as a whole (all levels) must spearhead youth development across all departments Business must be at the forefront of Youth development programmes Civil society including FBOs must also participate in driving youth development within the ambit of the NYP
The Presidency: Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Recommendation The Portfolio Committee is requested to note that: the NYP2020 will form the basis for the development of an Integrated Youth Development Strategy which will further articulate the implementation of the NYP2020. the NYDA has started on the process of developing the Integrated Youth Development Strategy the Presidential Youth Working Group technical committee of officials has started unpacking the NYP2020 for implementation. 15
Thank you