INFO DAY European Entrepreneurial Region (EER) award 2016 Committee of the Regions Brussels, 23 October 2014
Stakeholders support to EER label EER label is supported by UEAPME, Eurochambres and Social Economy Europe UEAPME the employer’s organisation representing the interests of European crafts, trades and SMEs 80 members over 12M enterprises with nearly 55M employees
Stakeholders support to EER label APCMA and the skilled crafts chambers network 129 local and regional chambers 126 training centers about apprentices each year Craft-type enterprises companies EUR 300 billions turnover 510 activities in construction, services, production and food sectors
Partnership principle White Paper on multilevel governance inclusive decision making process foster vertical and horizontal partnership SBA: involving stakeholders closely when developing SME policy Code of conduct on partnership partnership and multilevel governance “balanced representation of large, medium, small and microenterprises, together with social economy”
Partnerships in EER Involve all relevant stakeholders in the shaping of regional policies all phases : design, implementation, monitoring, evaluation diversity of stakeholders local authorities SME, crafts, social economy… education and training centers
Partnerships in EER Stakeholders involvement (1/2) letters of support integrated and coherent regional vision, involving partnerships with stakeholders governance mechanism demonstrate how economic and social partners are involved in the legal and operational process of decisions
Partnerships in EER Stakeholders involvement (2/2) division of tasks among regional/local authorities and stakeholders actions communication and inclusiveness
Contact details Laure-Anne Copel, European affairs unit +33 (0) –