South Sudan Nutrition Cluster- Upper Nile Activities Overview Template 24/11/2014 Samaritan Purse Presenter: Kim Ostrum.


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Presentation transcript:

South Sudan Nutrition Cluster- Upper Nile Activities Overview Template 24/11/2014 Samaritan Purse Presenter: Kim Ostrum

Partner and Project Details Name of partner: Samaritan’s Purse Name of project: PRRO: UNS Nutrition in Host Communities Targeted project areas StateCountyPayamSite Name Upper Nile StateMabanBunjBunj SC (Bunj Hospital) Upper Nile StateMabanKhor AhmarSIM PHCC Upper Nile StateMabanBatil Upper Nile StateMabanJikwataJinkwata PHCU Upper Nile StateMabanBanashawaDangaji PHCU Upper Nile StateMabanBanashawaLiang PHCU Upper Nile StateMabanBunjBunj RI PHCC

Projects Activities Overview Planned ActivitiesTargetsAchievements TSFP for MAM children 6-59 months TSFP centers in six sites 1,210 children with MAM reached TSFP active in four out of the six planned sites Monthly average of 1,087 MAM children reached TSFP for malnourished PLWs 576 malnourished PLWs reached Monthly average of 904 PLWs reached Run stabilization center for SAM cases with complications Stabilization center is run in line with GOSS IMSAM protocols

Outcome Indicators Achievements MAM 6-59 Months Discharge cured rate Defaulter rate Death rate GAM and SAM Rates MAM 6-59 Months (for month of October) Discharge cured: 95.9% Defaulter Rate: 4.1% Death Rate: 0% GAM: 8.9% SAM: 0.2% Malnourished PLWs Discharge cured rate Defaulter rate Death rate Malnourished PLWs (for October) Discharge cured: 100% Defaulter Rate: 0% Death Rate: 0% Stabilization Center % of children admitted to the SC that are cured/discharged to an OTP program

Implementation Challenges WFP Host Community Program Rainy season has made two of the six nutrition centers inaccessible (Ling and Jinkwata) Instability in the area in August disrupted mass MUAC and active case finding activities, leading to a decline in the number of children enrolled in the TSFP program Pipeline breaks for nutrition commodities

Long/ Short-Term Plans Long/ Short Term PlansFundingTimeline TSFP services for MAM 6-59 months & PLWs in Banashawa (Dangaji PHC, Liang PHC, Kanyaji outreach center), Bunj PHC, Jinkwata (Batil community outreach center, Piekaji community outreach center), Khor Ahmar (Khor Ahmar SIM PHC, Gesmala PHC) & Jamam PHC Applying for WFP funding January 2015 Continuatin of SC services at Bunj Hospital Applying for UNHCR funding January 2015