AusIndustry Martin Cebis AusIndustry – Entrepreneur Development Facilitator
Single Business Service
Growth Sectors
What is the Entrepreneurs’ Infrastructure Programme?
Business Evaluations, Business Growth Services, Supply Chain Services and Business Growth Grants Collaboration with the research sector to develop new ideas with commercial potential Accelerating the commercialisation of novel intellectual property in the form of novel products, processes and services.
EIP Eligibility (Summary) The program’s focus is small to medium enterprises (SME’s). To access, the business needs to meet eligibility criteria: Be a trading corporation under the Corporations Act 2001 Be solvent Meet minimum annual turnover of $1.5m ($750K in Remote areas) Be below an annual turnover of $100m Have traded (lodged BAS) for three or more consecutive years Operate in, or in support of, the Growth Sectors For the Business Evaluation: –Not previously received an EIP Business Evaluation or, Enterprise Connect Business Review within the last 5 years
Business Evaluation No Financial Cost Confidential and objective Experienced ex-private sector Business Adviser Holistic evaluation of the business Agreed action plan to implement improvement opportunities Qualified referrals and linkages
Business Evaluation Projects Funding is available to implement Business Evaluation Recommendations, such as: Strategic Planning Internal Systems Production/Operational Lean thinking/continuous improvement Marketing, Branding and Communications Human Resources Exploring New Markets and Market Intelligence Design thinking Mentoring/Coaching
Business Growth Grant Assists firms to implement the recommendations stemming from their Business Evaluation, Growth or Supply Chain Services Links firms to external improvement specialists Adds new capability to the business Provides matched funding up to $20,000 per grant. An eligible company may access more than one grant Capped at $40,000 of matched assistance
Business Growth Services Harnesses a network of knowledge and experience to accelerate the growth of your business “a tailored engagement for eligible high growth potential businesses, of up to two years, focussed on developing and embedding business capabilities, knowledge, strategies and connections to accelerate growth”
Business Growth Services. Advice and Mentoring Relationship Management Leadership Development - Design thinking - Business model - Competitive strategy - Blue Ocean - H1-H4 – Innovation - Enabling the enablers Systems, processes and finance - ICT -logistics, channels- export - Funding growth - Lean / CIP -Product/service Design and production execution Organisational Culture, Strategy and Capabilities - Design Integration - Organisational Strategy and Change Management Intelligence and knowledge - Market / sector intel -KM -big data/trends - research Connectivity – peer to peer, research, investment, supply chain, IGC, expert networks
Supply Chain Facilitation: Purpose “a practical approach for eligible businesses to develop their supply chain capabilities and improve their ability to interact with and supply into new and existing markets.” To be achieved by: Sharing practical information on supply chains; identifying business level improvement opportunities within a supply chain; building the capability and skill of individual businesses to secure supply chain opportunities; and facilitating quality connections between businesses and principal buyers, both domestically and globally.
Supply Chain Facilitation Services
Research Connections Aimed at building collaborations between businesses and researchers Assists small and medium businesses to access research expertise, suppliers of technology and technical knowledge and advice “A facilitation service providing expert advice and solutions for business to knowledge -related issues and a brokering service to link businesses with appropriate knowledge providers and research organisations’ ”
Research Connections
Accelerating Commercialisation Accelerating Commercialisation contributes to EIP’s objective by: accelerating the commercialisation of novel intellectual property in the form of novel products, processes and services; creating new businesses based on novel intellectual property with high growth potential; and facilitating greater commercial and economic returns from both public and private research and development investment to drive business growth and competitiveness.
Accelerating Commercialisation Eligible Applicant: non-tax exempt company, registered for GST individual, researcher, partnership or unincorporated trustee who agrees to form a company if successful a Commercialisation Office or Eligible Partner Entity do not have to be in one of the 5 growth sectors or supporting sectors
R&D Tax Incentive Broad based, market driven entitlement programme For all industries, all company sizes Jointly delivered by AusIndustry and the ATO
The Industry Skills Fund $476 million over 4 years 200,000 targeted training places and support services Prioritises assistance to small and medium businesses including micro businesses Commences on 1 January 2015
An entitlement programme for individuals / firms Imported goods to be exported in the same form ….OR Used as inputs into the manufacture of other goods Goods must be exported within 12 months Benefits Up front exemption from Customs duty (5%) & GST (10%) Can result in improved cash flow Tradex
Small Business Advisory Services Small Business Support Line Textile, Clothing and Footwear Corporate Wear Register Enhanced Project Bylaws Scheme Manufacturing Transition Programme Certain Inputs to Manufacture Cooperative Research Centres Visit for further information and to subscribe to the latest programme updates or call Other Programmes
Department of Industry | Business Martin Cebis T: E: Thank You