DO NOT INCLUDE THIS SLIDE WITH SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS 2014 NKBA B.C. Design Competition Digital Entry Packet Questions? Contact 1.Upon download of this Entry Packet, you will be able to submit your design competition materials digitally. 2.Save a working file for yourself. The name of the file must include your Membership Number, Category, and file type. For example: “ _MediumKitchen_EntryPacket.pptx” for this file. 3.In the following slides, you will be able to add your floor plan, elevation, and photographs. These files will be required to be attached as an image. We recommend you sort through and organize your images prior. We also recommend that you scan or save your floor plan and elevations as an image file type. 4.Floor plans and elevations do not require a full title block, but they should be drafted to 1/2” = 1’-0” (1:20) scale. Winners may be required to confirm floor plans and elevations at the request of the judges. 5.When adding your elevations and photographs, you will be required to duplicate slides. This can be done by going to the toolbar, select “Edit” and “Duplicate”. To delete slides, select “Edit” and “Delete”. 6.Add the text for your Design Statement. No more than 500 words please and point form is acceptable. 7.Delete this slide prior to saving your final file. 8.We do not want your PowerPoint file because it is editable. Please save this file as a PDF. To do this go to “File”, “Save As” and select the PDF option from the Format drop-down. Be sure to verify your file name before submitting Design Competition Entry
Member ID FLOOR PLAN 2014 Design Competition Entry
Member ID ELEVATIONS 2014 Design Competition Entry
Member ID PHOTOGRAPHY 2014 Design Competition Entry