Study Skills Preparing For Finals
Effective Study Habits Organization Organization Study materials Study materials Class notes Class notes School Supplies School Supplies Book bag Book bag Study area – regularly study in an area that is quite and neatly organized with all the materials you will need Study area – regularly study in an area that is quite and neatly organized with all the materials you will need
Effective Study Habits Time Management and Planning Time Management and Planning Make a “To Do” list Make a “To Do” list Prioritize list Prioritize list Schedule (create a weekly or daily schedule) Schedule (create a weekly or daily schedule) Be sure to schedule study time each night. Once you have finished homework, review class notes and other materials. If you review regularly and study ahead, you will remember the material better. Be sure to schedule study time each night. Once you have finished homework, review class notes and other materials. If you review regularly and study ahead, you will remember the material better. Take 5 minute breaks when studying Take 5 minute breaks when studying
Effective Study Habits Study difficult subjects first Study difficult subjects first Avoid cramming for tests – review regularly Avoid cramming for tests – review regularly Utilize different learning styles (auditory, visual, kinesthetic) Utilize different learning styles (auditory, visual, kinesthetic) Remember to keep a healthy balance; spend time with friends and family, do something you enjoy, maintain proper nutrition and sleep Remember to keep a healthy balance; spend time with friends and family, do something you enjoy, maintain proper nutrition and sleep
Tips for Testing Reference: Educational Media Corporation Avoid distractions. If possible, don’t sit where you might be distracted Avoid distractions. If possible, don’t sit where you might be distracted Always read directions thoroughly Always read directions thoroughly If you are nervous, take a few deep breaths, imagine a relaxing scene, or use self-talk to build your confidence If you are nervous, take a few deep breaths, imagine a relaxing scene, or use self-talk to build your confidence
Tips for Testing Reference: Educational Media Corporation Remember that your first hunch is usually correct, especially on multiple choice tests Remember that your first hunch is usually correct, especially on multiple choice tests Don’t look for answers to fall in a pattern Don’t look for answers to fall in a pattern Budget time. Don’t spend too much time on one question Budget time. Don’t spend too much time on one question Watch for related questions which may help you get other answers Watch for related questions which may help you get other answers
Tips for Testing Reference: Educational Media Corporation Remember to arrive prepared (pencil, pen, paper, good night’s sleep and nutrition) Remember to arrive prepared (pencil, pen, paper, good night’s sleep and nutrition) Take a few rest pauses during the test Take a few rest pauses during the test Be prepared! Study in advance. Be prepared! Study in advance. Be well-rested and think positively Be well-rested and think positively
Studying for Finals Reference: Study Strategies Made Easy Start preparing 2 weeks prior to the exam. Start preparing 2 weeks prior to the exam. Find out all that you can about the exam Find out all that you can about the exam Material to be covered Material to be covered Format of the exam. If objective only, review and memorize important details. If subjective, learn overall concepts, but memorize enough facts to break them up in an essay Format of the exam. If objective only, review and memorize important details. If subjective, learn overall concepts, but memorize enough facts to break them up in an essay
Studying for Finals Reference: Study Strategies Made Easy Start preparation Start preparation Get out your old notes and old tests. Organize them Get out your old notes and old tests. Organize them Make sure that all chapters have been read, highlighted, and questions answered Make sure that all chapters have been read, highlighted, and questions answered Make up a study schedule to follow for the next few weeks Make up a study schedule to follow for the next few weeks
Studying for Finals Reference: Study Strategies Made Easy Organize your study session Organize your study session Follow the schedule, study a little each day. Break the number of chapters or sections into the number of days you have to study. Follow the schedule, study a little each day. Break the number of chapters or sections into the number of days you have to study. Review the text, notes, handouts, old tests, etc. Review the text, notes, handouts, old tests, etc. Concentrate on highlighted material and recall questions Concentrate on highlighted material and recall questions
Studying for Finals Reference: Study Strategies Made Easy Use your strongest learning style Use your strongest learning style Auditory- read highlighted information aloud or tape record recall questions Auditory- read highlighted information aloud or tape record recall questions Visual- picture the layout of a page, read material Visual- picture the layout of a page, read material Kinesthetic- rewrite information Kinesthetic- rewrite information
Studying for Finals Reference: Study Strategies Made Easy Final words Final words Relax before exams. Relax before exams. Go to sleep early Go to sleep early Eat a nutritious breakfast Eat a nutritious breakfast Have a confident attitude – if you begin reviewing early, you will be able to do your best! Have a confident attitude – if you begin reviewing early, you will be able to do your best!