ENERGY SYSTEMS LESSON 7 Re-cap Energy Continuum Re-cap Factors Affecting the Energy System used Exam Questions on Energy Systems
LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Am I able to explain the Energy Continuum? 2. Can I explain the factors affecting the energy system used? 3. Am I able to effectively answer exam questions on Energy Systems?
STARTER ANSWERS 1. Forever on my mind 2. A rose between thorns 3. Big expectations/Great expectations 4. A hole in one 5. Top of the class 6. Highway 7. Warm up 8. Two peas in a pod 9. Once in a while 10. You can’t have it both ways
ENERGY CONTINUUM This is ‘the relative contribution of each energy system to ATP re-synthesis determined by the intensity and duration of exercise.’ In any sporting situation, energy is provided by all three energy systems, and the contribution of each is determined by the intensity and the duration of the exercise. Some activities/sports are mainly aerobic while others are anaerobic. Energy systems rarely work in isolation.
ENERGY CONTINUUM TASK 1 Draw a diagram to explain the Energy Continuum Draw a diagram to explain the Energy Continuum
FACTORS AFFECTING THE ENERGY SYSTEM USED TASK 2 Present one of the following to the rest of the class; explaining how it affects the energy system used by athletes (the first one is already done): Present one of the following to the rest of the class; explaining how it affects the energy system used by athletes (the first one is already done): Exercise Intensity and Duration Energy System Threshold O2 Transport/Supply Food/Fuel available Enzyme Activation Levels Fitness Level
EXERCISE INTENSITY AND DURATION A combination of exercise intensity and duration can determine the predominant energy system(s) being used When exercise intensity is anaerobic (high intensity, short duration), then the ATP/PC and LA Systems will be predominant If the exercise intensity is aerobic (medium/low intensity, long duration), then the Aerobic System will be predominant
ENERGY SYSTEMS EXAM QUESTIONS Complete past exam questions from the handout provided Complete past exam questions from the handout provided
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PLENARY Discuss how Energy Systems work throughout a sporting performance Discuss how Energy Systems work throughout a sporting performance