Thinking, Inferring, & Making Connections to Become Stronger
Knowing what you know, and what you don’t know, and knowing how you can apply what you DO know to do the task. Also known as THINKING.
In order to improve reading, you must draw upon prior knowledge. -Schema Theory You need to make connections between your prior knowledge and the new information. Activating their prior knowledge. Self – Text Self – Self Self – World
Schema, schema What I know Watch It grow I can make connections Meaningful connections Text to self Text to text Text to world
Writing SpeakingListening Reading
1.Schema Theory (Activate prior knowledge – predict) 2.Identify Important themes. 3.Ask questions of yourself as you read. 4.Visualize 5.Draw Conclusions or make inferences; THINK 6.Summarize (retell the story, synthesize) 7.Employ a “Fix-Up” Strategy when “lost” in the text.
Similarities Comparisons… contrasts Graphic Organizer Flow Chart Venn Diagrams Cartoon to make a point Text messaging
Body Language Tone Facial Expression Mood climate
Reread Skip and go on to find context clues Find key words Skim and scan for magnet words Reread lead sentence in paragraph Read bold face headings Find words in italics Picture Clues Tell what is happening in story Use Prior Knowledge Get their mouth ready Stop… start over