1 Great apps. Big performance. Little effort. & Redis on Flash on Power8
Open source, in-memory NoSQL - The world’s fastest database Redis factsheet 2 A data structures engine – includes Strings, Hashes, Lists, Sets, Sorted Set, LUA, transactions, Bits operations Strong use cases, dynamic community, large eco-system Ranked 12 out of 50 Top Developer Tools & Services of 2014 Ranked among the top three NoSQLs and one of the fastest growing databases
Redis is the world’s @>100msec 3 Server throughput in Ops/Sec (50/50 read/write
Commercial Redis adoption 4 Verticals Use Cases Gaming Advertising Finance Travel Media E-commerce RT analytics Caching Social functionality Technology High-speed transactions App Job Management (scheduling)
5 Lead the commercial Redis market Incepted – 2011, started sales Headquarters – Mountain View, CA; R&D center – Tel-Aviv Well funded - Carmel Ventures, Bain Capital Ventures, EMC Ventures Redis Labs
4,800+ paying customers from 40+ countries 25,000+ free customers. 78,000+ DBs created. Thousands of customers 6
Customers from all sectors Technology Finance Gaming Advertising Media Travel E-Commerce
8 Cloud On-prem Service (DBaaS)Enterprise SW Comprehensive offering Redis Cloud Redis Labs Enterprise Cluster Managed RLEC GA – late 2015 Redis Labs Enterprise Cluster
4 Clouds 9 partner channels Redis Cloud 9
Redis Labs Enterprise Cluster 10 Downloadable SW for on-prem or cloud deployments Same technology that powers Redis Cloud Customer has full control over data and configuration
11 Redis Labs proprietary technology layer Open Source Redis Fully compatible with open source commands & data types Deals with Redis’ deployment architecture Technology Open source contributions
Redis on Flash - a new concept 12 Flash used as RAM extender and NOT as a persistent storage RAM 4410 GB 590 GB 88.2% 11.8%
Breakthrough technological achievement Attractive tradeoff for customers - cuts down Redis deployment cost by >75% with acceptable degradation in performance (latency) Redis on Flash 13 Application IBM POWER8 RAM Redis Labs SW CAPI-Flash IBM Flash System 840
Solution ROI – 40TB benchmark Redis deployment * *Showing hardware savings only, ConfigurationThroughputLatency Pure RAM2M ops/sec< 1 msec 10% RAM 90% Flash200 K ops/sec< 1 msec
Thank You Itai Raz VP Product Management Redis Labs 15