"Leader actions in Pärnu Bay coastal areas. How to count and involve temporary citizens. Mercedes Merimaa – LAG manager 14. mai, 2015
LEADER in Estonia 26 LAG-s
LAG Pärnu Bay Partnership situates on banck of Baltic Sea Sandinavia Estonia Town Pärnu
Town Pärnu- Estonia Summer-Capital
STATISTIC LAG DATA Sutfice Area in km 2 : 2782 Total populatiopn: Inhabitants/km 2 8,41 Number of Municipalities: 9
About our area coastal traditional -village culture - specially on Kihnu island- Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity -UNESCO large nature protection areas; common fishing area;
KIHNU Unesco cultural heritage
Island is 16,9 km2, its length 7km and width 3,3km
Baltic herring festival LAO
; Medieval days in Pärnu June
d wetlands Integrated cycling routes Willingness to coopetare Tourism and areas of natural beauty wetlands
Tourism and areas of natural beauty and wetlands
ROMANTIC COSTLINE Project joins 9 municipalities entrepreneurs, NGO-s, sights, cultural objects, events and services Youth activities LAG Network-cooperation with fishemens
Common project: ROMANTIC COASTLINE events - Herring Festival - Dandelion festival - Village Party North-Livonian Festival - Kihnu Sea Festival - Estonian Line Dance Festival - Lamb Festival - Pickle Festival - Mushroom Festival
10/18/11 "Leader actions in Pärnu Bay coastal > areas. How > to count and involve temporary citizens. A community activist > viewpoint."
Russian cottage- Ljubob Petrova
Youth activities -zither making camp
mapping Cataloging producing website local food trainings educational trips Developing local entrepreneurship and services Current ongoing RR project activities:
Important for temporary citizens
2. Young people and local temporary citizens are involved into the processes of improving of the quality of the living environment. 3. The traditional joint activities of the community have developed, the quality of life has improved, the living environment of the villages has improved and the cultural and natural heritage is evaluated.
4. Temporary citizens are very welcome taking part about summer festivals and events. 5. Developing environmentally friendly tourism business and the LAG natural and cultural values have been outlined and evaluated.
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