DoW text: Task and WP leaders will prepare syntheses reports of the project progress, its results and its implications. These synthesis reports will be written specifically for the policymaker and stakeholder audience. At the end of the project a final VECTORS synthesis report will be prepared and made widely available. Aims for synthesis website: Easy to use and navigate Intuitive Accessible Engaging Interactive Simple but effective Use VECTORS Branding Stand alone pages Aims of synthesis website D6.7 Online Synthesis of VECTORS for Stakeholders and Policy Makers
VECTORS Website Synthesis meeting, London, 21 st August 2014 Architecture The architecture of the website will be based on a 3 tier structure: the home page, landing pages and core pages. Home Page The Landing Pages will provide summary information about a particular sector or area of the project. The Core pages are the heart of the website providing the detailed results of the project by activity / task / action. Key results will be listed along with an overview of the aim of the work within VECTORS and the significance of the results. Landing Page Core Page Design and structure of synthesis website The Home Page will provide the main search area of the website designed around the search tools.
VECTORS Website Synthesis meeting, London, 21 st August 2014 The Home Page 4 theme areas to search by If the user clicks ‘More about VECTORS’ an information box slides down. If the user clicks ‘Explore Map’ an interactive map pops-up Or a search feature is available to find research results by using a key word(s) The top bar is constant throughout the website. It provides a brief description of what the site is /does When the user hovers over one of the four themes the picture will blur to make the choice of articles more visible With key articles / topics listed under each theme (these are the landing pages) The search by sea / region buttons will also bring up the map Log-in for extra features, such as save favourites. Share the page through social media or
VECTORS Website Synthesis meeting, London, 21 st August 2014 ‘More about VECTORS’ provides background information on the project with links to the project website The Home Page All of the partner’s locations will be shown on the map with a pin. When the user clicks on a pin the box to the right of the map will provide information about that institute These will link to the relevant pages on the project website where the information can be accessed. We aim to create a searchable publications database
VECTORS Website Synthesis meeting, London, 21 st August 2014 ‘Explore Map’ displays research results by location. The Home Page Clicking on a pin will bring up information on that case study and the relevant area will be highlighted on the map This text will be taken from the corresponding core page. It will provide a link to access the page directly where the full activity information will be available. View full result information
VECTORS Website Synthesis meeting, London, 21 st August 2014 Overview information: What studied? Why studied? Where? How? Links? Bullet point list of specific areas covered / project objectives for this area/issue List of related specific research areas (these are the core pages) If you click on the objective the relevant core pages (i.e. the research that achieved that objective) will be highlighted in the list of specific research areas You can easily save pages to your favourites (for quick future reference), print pages in an easy to read format and/or share with colleagues Over here Landing Page Lead author information This is an example landing page
VECTORS Website Synthesis meeting, London, 21 st August 2014 Core Page Example Core Page: Scientific results / outcomes List of policies / acts / legislation that these results can inform Sources of further information: deliverables, papers reports, websites etc. Diagrams, graphics, images that support text Save to favourites (for quick future reference), print pages in an easy to read format and/or share with colleagues Quick links to related pages These will be live links where the paper / report is open access Introduction to task: what has been studied and why. What is/are the pressure(s) and driver(s) concerned and what are the impacts studied? Key findings Background information / supporting text of each key finding will initially be hidden, to focus on the key findings and limit the amount of text on the screen. When the usuer clicks ‘delve deeper’ it will then be revealed Title of research, lead author and institute plus contact address References
Mobile site Users accessing the website from a mobile device or tablet will see a condensed version of the site. The 4 search areas will drop-down when clicked on to reveal the landing pages (sectors/topics) and ‘search by sea/region’ option. We will aim for the condensed version of the site to have the same functionality as the full version.
Submitting your research results to the website A web-based form has been created for researchers to easily submit their research results/ activities to the synthesis webite. This form can be accessed through the VECTORS project website Each form submitted will be created into an individual website page. Within each page the results are displayed in a way that highlights and focuses on the key findings of the research so, before you start entering your results, please consider How your research should be presented; as one set of results on a single website page, or broken- down into two or more pages. How many key findings can be presented? These should be the key messages that we want to communicate backed up by supporting evidence.
Submitting your research results to the website The form has been designed to collect all of the information required to create a core page of the website so it is imperative that all fields are completed.
VECTORS Website Synthesis meeting, London, 21 st August 2014 Key points for submitting your research Please include all necessary references in the text and then provide the appropriate citation to the paper in the box provided. When the data is transferred to the website the references will be shown as a number to minimise the amount of characters required. Avoid the use of acronyms and overly scientific terms that the reader is not likely to understand. Use terms / definitions that are familiar to the audience (i.e. used in directives / policies) so that they can instantly associate with the meaning. Focus on the message(s) that we want to communicate to our audience, such as the policy and management relevance of our results but make sure to be clear how it informs / is relevant? Keep text concise and succinct, don’t include any detail that is not specific to the message