Joint Strategic Needs Assessment - getting it right! Joint Strategic Commissioning – Analysis Event 8 October 2014 Tony Homer JIT Lead, Joint Strategic Commissioning 1 JIT is a strategic improvement partnership between the Scottish Government, NHS Scotland, CoSLA, the Third Sector, the Independent Sector and the Housing Sector
Health and Social Care The wider planning landscape 2 HEALTH Local Delivery Plan Clinical Strategy Bed planning Quality Plan SOCIAL CARE LA strategic plan LA service plans SDS Plan (Child Protection Plan) (Integrated Children’s Plan) HOUSING Housing Contribution Statement LHS SHIP LA CORPORATE Finance & budget plans Capital & asset plan SOA Adult Protection Plan Public Protection Plan Procurement strategy STRATEGIC / FINANCIAL PLAN COMMUNITY PLANNING Community Plan JSNA Workforce
Recap on JSNA JSNA is a continuous process Highlights areas of concern and identifies priorities. Based on joint analyses, not single agency Incorporates views of the local population and is informed by equality impact assessments Identifies the ‘big picture’ and should provide a framework to examine all the factors impacting on the health and wellbeing of local communities (incl. employment, education, housing, environmental) Requires the numbers but crucially supported by locally relevant information to add depth, insight and relevance 3
JSNA: structure and process Must be firmly linked to the wider commissioning process Important to get the Governance right: overall and for client groups, localities etc Enables a collaborative approach: across groups or cross cutting themes Client groups & themes can be chapters of a developing JSNA An annual JSNA Summary Report offers the overview and update on the entire breadth of the continuous JSNA work 4
Doing the work – the inputs 5 Strategic Locality Individual Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Incorporating new and updated information and reports as they become available Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Incorporating new and updated information and reports as they become available Aggregated assess and care m.mnt Combined analyses to address care group, thematic and level requirements Population based data and analysis
Doing the work – the outputs 6 Health and Social Care Joint Strategic Needs Assessment New and updated information and reports as they become available Health and Social Care Joint Strategic Needs Assessment New and updated information and reports as they become available Strategic Plan Cross cutting reports that combine or overlay care group, thematic and locality requirements Care Group analyses Care Group analyses Locality analyses Thematic analyses
Sample JSNA timeline 7 Health and Social Care Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Health and Social Care Joint Strategic Needs Assessment JSNA OP JSNA PD JSNA LD JSNA D&A JSNA MH JSNA Community Assets and views JSNA sensory JSNA children with ASN JSNA HCS JSNA HCS REPORT Housing and health REPORT Housing and health REPORT OP and Dementia REPORT OP and Dementia JSNA MH of OP JSNA Carers JSNA Children and families LOCALITY PROFILES ( with a focus on MH)
Some key questions How much are you are doing already? For which populations? Who determines and authorises the programme content? How will priorities on data collection, analysis and reporting be agreed? How will you resource your analytical and reporting activity? Where will ongoing JSNA activity be reported? How will stakeholders be empowered to contribute, on data and JSNA reports? How will you identify and address emerging risks and key issues? 8