Organum and the Notre Dame School Please take handout
1180 A. D
Notre Dame, Paris
Perotin: 4-part organum, “Viderunt omnes”
These singers attempt, with the lewdness of a lascivious voice, to feminize all their spellbound little fans with the way they render their phrase. When such practices go too far, they can more easily occasion titillation between the legs than a sense of devotion in the brain. John of Salisbury (ca. 1180)
From Chant to Polyphony I. Introduction: The Medieval Concept of Authority III. Phase II: Notre Dame Organum (Paris ca. 1200) II. Phase I: Early Forms of Polyphony (ca. 850 to ca.1160) IV. The Payoff
Authority: Exhibit A. Gloss Knowledge is a commentary on or elaboration of existing authoritative text Bible or other authoritative text Commentary I. Introduction: The Medieval Concept of Authority
Ave, ancilla Domini tu humillima laude felix virgo devotissima Maria, stella ducents nos ad celestia ubi sonant angelorum cantica. Gratia, que per Evam fuit perturbata, per te nobis est reconciliata. Plena.... Authority: Exhibit B. Medieval Prayer & Poem Poem = commentary on/elaboration of of existing authoritative text Ave Maria, Gratia plena, Dominus tecum Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you
1. Organum Defined = Commentary on/elaboration of existing text 3. Musical Authority = 2. Organum based on Medieval idea of authority Authority: Exhibit C. ? Gregorian Chant = Early sacred polyphony; = the earliest Western music in >1 part (e.g.,Viderunt omnes) rganum ? O 4. Organum = elaboration/commentary on chant
II. Early Forms of Organum (to ca. 1160) A. Parallel Organum Pie Jesu Domine, Dona eis requiem
II. Early Forms of Organum (to ca. 1160) A. Parallel Organum Musica Enchiriadis = Musical Handbook Treatise, ca. 900 A.D. 1of first descriptions: early organum. Parallel Organum = chant elaborated by doubling at higher (or lower) pitch, usually the interval of a 5th
II. Early Forms (cont.) B. Free Organum 1. Melody added to chant in note-against-note style 2. Melodic contour of added line differs from chant 3. Free Organum moves from improvisation to composition Newly added voice Chant (black notes)
III. Notre Dame Organum Cornerstone 1163 Altar dedicated 1182 ca : Leonin Cathedral of Notre Dame, Paris
III. Notre Dame Organum A. Leonin and the Magnus Liber 1. Magnus Liber =Great Book 2. Organum duplum 2-voice organum: 1 voice= chant 2 nd = newly composed 3. Leonin’s organa based on soloists’ parts of responsorial chants Primary source for Notre Dame Organum
Responsorial Chant: Viderunt omnes OrganumChoir 1. Original Responsorial Chant: 2. Notre Dame Organum: SoloistChoir
III. Notre Dame Organum (cont.) B. Two Styles for Elaborating Chant: 1. Organum style (organum purum or pure organum) 2. Discant style Chant is sung in lowest part, the tenor Chant or tenor = long held notes Many notes in added upper voice or duplum for each note of original chant (often > 20:1)
Organum Style Soloist Portion of Chant
III. Notre Dame Organum (cont.) B. Two Styles for Elaborating Chant: 1. Organum purum (pure organum) or organum style 2. Discant style Chant is sung in lowest part, the tenor Chant or tenor = long held notes Many notes in added upper voice or duplum for each note of original chant (often > 20:1) Chant is sung in lowest part, the tenor But tenor notes move more quickly than in organum style ( often 1:1 )
Discant Style Soloist Portion of Chant
Organum Style Discant Style Is organum vs. discant choice up to composer? If chant was syllabic, then organum style If chant was melismatic, then discant style
III. Notre Dame Organum (cont.) C. The Generation of Perotin, ca Wrote substitute clausulae, a new section of music in discant style 2. Tripla and quadrupla 3. Thinking Musically: Alters chant in lowest voice or tenor
Emphasizes not individual creativity, but a process of communal creation Relies on Appeals to Authority Is Bound by Numerous Rules & Constraints Is Based on Sacred Ideas, Texts Has Structure that is deeply Hierarchical/Layered IV.The Payoff Question: What __? a) Hip-Hop b) Beethoven Symphonies c) Organum d) Medieval culture
IV.The Payoff Question: What __?