Toward the Clouds, Together ! Collaboration effort of European NRENs in Cloud Computing Branko Radojević, Deputy Director, CARNet/GEANT TF-MSP Budapest,


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Presentation transcript:

Toward the Clouds, Together ! Collaboration effort of European NRENs in Cloud Computing Branko Radojević, Deputy Director, CARNet/GEANT TF-MSP Budapest,

2 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate GEANT3plus, SA7 - GOALS A new activity in GN3+ project which handles: Support to Clouds The NRENs working together in GÉANT, want to bring cloud services to the European Research and Education community, through a model where they are able to provide their users with: choice openess, ease of use a safe and secure work and learning environment

3 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate CLOUD QUESTIONAIRE NRENs’ perception of clouds? Which cloud components NRENs have in place and are planning to consume and produce? How NRENs can collaborate on clouds through GN3plus, in the Support to Clouds activity (SA7) ?

4 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate CLOUD QUESTIONAIRE High response rate (27 respondents from 23 NRENs) Two-thirds (66%) of the respondents indicate that cloud services have had an impact on their organisation, with 40% stating that impact is “high to very-high”. NRENs find cloud services appealing because of their flexibility: faster deployment of new services (agility) easily scaled (elasticity) most cloud services are easy to use

5 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate CLOUD QUESTIONAIRE Majority of the NRENs (80%) are already “working on clouds”, with half of the respondents doing this through one or more specific ‘cloud teams’ within their organisation Only four NRENs are dealing with clouds in a well- structured manner, with a clear underlying strategy. Most NRENs are still in a start-up phase for their cloud efforts, which indicates opportunities for joint activities

6 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate CLOUD QUESTIONAIRE Almost all NRENS believe they should provide and operate their own cloud services (22 responses). The survey indicates that NRENs are willing to share components and offer services provided by other NRENs (ranging from a third to a half, depending on the type of service). About half of the responding NRENs want to broker cloud services (from commercial providers). A total of 19% of the respondents are already offering one or more services. Half of the respondents want to Integrate cloud services.

7 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Buy or Build?

8 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate How to achieve this? GEANT – Support to Clouds Activities in four tasks: STRATEGY STANDARDISATION BROKERAGE INTEGRATION ADOPTION five Y2

9 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate How to achieve this? Task 3 concentrates on Cloud Brokerage and Vendor Management Two main teams: PROCUREMENT TEAM VENDOR MANAGEMENT TEAM (with multiple sub-teams per service type)

10 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Procurement Team Analyze available models: Traditional Procurement – one winner per service type? Traditional Procurement – multiple winners per service type? Less rigid model? – cloud service certification!

11 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Vendor Management Teams One of the easiest way to reach vendors attention: Demand Aggregation CARNet 0.8 M users CARNet 0.8 M users DFN 6 M users DFN 6 M users SURFNet 3 M users SURFNet 3 M users NREN X X Mkor. NREN X X Mkor. NREN X X Mkor. NREN X X Mkor. NREN X X Mkor. NREN X X Mkor. NREN X X Mkor. NREN X X Mkor. NREN X X M users NREN X X M users GEANT – total of 50 million users

12 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Vendor Management Teams Cloud Services by Type (sub-teams): IaaS (SoftLayer, Cloud Sigma, T-Systems, GreenQloud, ATOS, Microsoft Azure, RackSpace, Amazon,...) On-line Office (Google, Microsoft, IBM,...) Web collaboration tools (Adobe, Cisco, Google, Blue Jeans, IBM...) Cloud storage (Google Drive, SkyDrive, DropBox, BOX,...)

13 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Vendor Management Teams Talk to Vendors and try to achieve best possible deals (best terms & conditions, added value, data protection,...) Talk to NRENs (like GRNET) which would like to act as a vendors toward other NRENs Show to vendors that it is easier to talk with us, instead of 30+ separate NRENs (and every time from the beginning)

14 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Helping Vendors & NRENs To help vendors and NRENs, we are working on several documents: Terms and Conditions Requirements (FINAL) Market Analysis & Predictions in EU R&E Comm. (RC) Technical Guidelines for Cloud Services (D) Integration with eduGAIN (FINAL) Peering with GEANT (D)

15 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate The Goal Establish Cloud dustribution model GÉANT cloud framework establish clarity on conditions of use, define requirements GÉANT cloud “certification” program apply framework: engage providers, certify compatible cloud services GÉANT cloud catalogue make “certified” services available in an online portfolio NRENs, cloud procurement contracting and adoption

16 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Ultimate Goal Have at least two vendors in catalogue from each service type by the end of this year (December 2014).

17 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Key benefits of our approach Vendors Talk to one entity (GEANT) – access all users Promote vendor as a trusted partner Share with vendors what our users require Get access to fast network toward all users Simplify AAI integration NRENs (Institutions) Use cloud catalogue to get the information about CS Use already prepared terms & conditions Simplify procurement process

18 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate | | Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Thank you!