DASISH Strategic Board T he future of data infrastructures in social science and humanities Bente Maegaard CLARIN ERIC & University of Copenhagen November 20141
Future of RIs in SSH CESSDA, CLARIN, DARIAH, ESS, SHARE Challenges for our infrastructures – Sustainability Financial Technical Organisational – Coverage All/many countries/languages/… – Preservation, access etc. Therefore it makes sense to collaborate - if we see common problems 2
Proposal CLARIN-DARIAH et al. PARTHENOS - Pooling Activities, Resources and Tools for Heritage E-research Networking, Optimization and Synergies Built around the two ERICs of the sector, DARIAH and CLARIN, and involving all the relevant Integrating Activities projects, PARTHENOS will deliver guidelines, standards, methods, services and tools to be used by its partners and by all the research community. 3
DASISH-results Generalized SPF (Service Provider Federation) agreement. Will be used to connect EUDAT services to the CLARIN user base. Metadata curation ideas DWAN (DASISH web annotation ) framework used in CLARIN-NL And maybe more has been finalised lately 4
Thank you for your attention 5