ABOUT US MAHENDRA'S PHILOSOPHY Mahendra’s a Group which works with the motive of serving a broad section of the society and is among the leading institutions in the given field. VISION The Group Aspires To Institutionalize Internationally Recognized SOP’s - Standard Operating Procedures In Its Quest To Become A Nationally Acclaimed Brand Having A Diversified Portfolio. MISSION The Mission Of Mahendras Is To Prepare Candidates With Quality, Meaningful Tutoring Experiences To Assist Them In Becoming Proficient In All The Areas Essential To Excel In All Aspects Of Life. Mahendra educational private limited, with its mission statement just wishes to create a dynamic and sustainable setup of new age teaching methodology where the students is guided to use modern day technical support but with the traditional approach of teaching(of our country): "Gurur-Brahmaa Gurur-Vissnnur-Gururdevo Maheshvarah Gurur Sakshaat Param Brahma Tasmai Shri Gurave Namah." We At Mahendras Believe In One Saying "FIRST STEP TAKEN IS HALF THE BATTLE WON". Are Constantly In A Process Of Preparing Our Students For The Future And Guiding Them With Our Specially Designed Tools And Techniques So That They May Crack Any Competitive Exam They Attempt
Different From Others… SMART LAB Mahendra’s is providing the facility of online exam at its own premises. Mahendra’s would be delighted to bring this to your notice that it is the pioneer institute to provide an in-house well equipped lab facility to the candidates in India. The setup is similar to the real exam so that the candidate is well acquainted with the practical aspect of taking these exams. SMS & ALERT SERVICES Mahendra’s as another unique feature to it. It provides all its candidate the facility of SMS, alerts and alerts regarding all types of events. this includes the test scores, all-India ranking, class test scores, the upcoming vacancies, latest openings in various government sectors, upcoming and on going batches, special class information, interview prepartaion updates etc.
ONLINE STUDENT PORTAL FACILITY At Mahendra’s Student can avail the information concerning all the latest news related to his speed test, its scores, analysis, on PAN india level, his ranking in all India Level, results of online tests, just to begin with. There are many more facilities which can be availed by a student after getting himself registered on student portal. ENEWSPAPER Mahendra’s offers you a compiled version of all daily updates and information about what is happening across the globe at a click of a button. This facility of E- Newspaper could be availed at any time anywhere, whether a student is using computers, mobiles, tablets etc.
ONLINE TEST About Online Test: A platform to accommodate more than 4 lakhs candidate for online examination in bilingual language, result, assessment at affordable prices with the facility of unlimited practice sets. Objective: To create an awareness and nurture the aspirants of different competitive examination on the online assessment testing platform.
CHALLENGES FACED To break the rigidity of written examination through online speed test lab at our centers. To provide the content of test bilingually, which is being handled by our research and development team. Providing the testing platform on a very low bandwidth so that it can easily be accessible to all areas and location. To solve the student enquiries regarding online test exam that is being handeled by our dedicated call centre. Online detailed answer with explanation are provided by our highly qualified faculty in a very short span of time.
Achievements Approx 4 lacs candidate enrolled till date PAN India Reach Maximum selection in banking examination Awareness of all examination to masses. Facility of Education at Home.