ARROYO VISTA FAMILY HEALTH CENTER Patient Access and Use of Computer Information Technology (CIT) CCALAC – HCCN October 10, 2014
Presentation Agenda 1.Background & Requirements 2.Community Needs and Studies 3.Arroyo Vista Findings 4.Conclusion 5.Tangible Outcomes 2
Requirements – CMS & PCMH Meaningful Use Stage 2 Provide Patients the ability to access & transmit their health information within 4 business days to the eligible Provider. Goal and baseline is 5% of a population. Primary Care Medical Home Patients are provided online access to their health information within 4 business days, this information includes diagnostic test results, lab results, summary visits, and medication lists. 3
Patient Population Arroyo Vista’s Target Population Uninsured Underinsured Limited Healthcare Access Computer Internet Properties of a Patient Portal Perception on Computer Technology 4
Arroyo Vista Study Multiple Department Collaboration – Patient Survey Developed All Health Center Sites Collection Period: May 2014 – June 2014 (4 Weeks) Sample Size: Approximately 200 Patients 5
Arroyo Vista Findings How patients access the internet. Patient Use: Technology Peripheral ComputerTabletMobile Phone >40%>20%>60% Internet Availability and Access Access to Home Use Mobile Phone to Access the Internet Access the Internet with Computer or Tablet >50% >35% 6
Arroyo Vista Findings How patients use internet connectivity and perception. Pt. Use: Messaging & Digital Media Send/Receive Electronic Messages View/Download Digital Media Comfortable Receiving Health Information via / mail >60%>50%>60% Pt. Perception on Computer Information Technology (Reliability: 94%) CIT is Important to Society Enjoy Learning CITEnjoy Using CIT >60% 7
Arroyo Vista Findings Patient CIT use by age category. C = Computer, E = Electronic Tablet, M = Mobile Phone 8
Conclusion From the findings, these conclusions are the most prominent to take note of. Approximately of Arroyo Vista patients know how to use and are comfortable using Computer Information Technology All age categories report using some level of messaging 1.Age Category: >70% 2.Age Category: >60% 3.Age Category: >50% 4.Age Category: >40% Of the patient population surveyed, >60% of respondents have a positive view of CIT Age CategoriesUse Computer/TabletUse Mobile Phone | 30-49>60%>70% 9
Using Information for Tangible Decisions Based on the conclusions presented, the following was made: 1.Different way to remind patients of their appointments and activate patients (Patient Recalls); text and . 2.Inclusion of Digital Marketing in the Marketing Plan. 3.Free Wi-Fi for patients across all sites. 10
ARROYO VISTA FAMILY HEALTH CENTER We Care About Your Health Follow Us On: 11