Water Butt Challenge The Birches Pre-Primary
Jojo Tank Challenge and other water harvesting Over the years we have worked on getting a number of jojo tanks, after many years of saving we now have 5 which means we have the ability to store up to litres of water and when the municipal water is turned off it doesn’t affect our school! We also believe in re-using grey water from washing our hands, this water is directed into the water wise garden. Rainwater from our gutters does not go down the drain; it is rather channelled into seepage beds underneath our indigenous garden. We also try so see how many other ways we can collect/harvest rainwater for our little creatures that live in our garden!
One of our 5 jojos
Digging the seepage water trench years ago before we planted our indigenous water wise garden
The grey water from our basins can be turned off and re-channelled to a hose into the garden.
Another one of our jojos which we use for watering our garden and keeping our chicken hydrated. This little pump is portable to be used when pressure to drive a sprinkler is needed.