IFLA—the global voice of libraries IFLA: portavoz mundial de las bibliotecas IFLA : la voix des bibliothèques dans le monde IFLA—die globale Stimme der.


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Presentation transcript:

IFLA—the global voice of libraries IFLA: portavoz mundial de las bibliotecas IFLA : la voix des bibliothèques dans le monde IFLA—die globale Stimme der Bibliotheken ИФЛА - глобальный голос библиотек 国际图联 —— 全球图书馆的声音 الإفلا – الصوت الدولي للمكتبات

© Berlin 2014 subito – New Developments In Document Delivery: German copyright law and its consequences, subito service China Direct and delivery from electronic resources Dr. Traute Braun-Gorgon Documents from libraries

1.What is subito? 2.German copyright act and the solutions subito found in co-operation with publishers 3.subito service “China direct” and book delivery as new feature 4.Results of the negotiations about the delivery from electronic resources via subito IFLA Satellite Meeting, Nancy 2014/ 3 What is subito? German copyright act and the solutions subito found in co-operation with publishers subito service “China direct” and book delivery as new feature Results of the negotiations about the delivery from electronic resources via subito Agenda

IFLA Satellite Meeting, Nancy 2014/ 4  is Germany‘s biggest, interdisciplinary document delivery service  has 42 member libraries in Germany, Austria and Switzerland  has 3 partner libraries in China  delivers copies of articles and supports the lending of books What is subito?

IFLA Satellite Meeting, Nancy 2014/ 5 subito‘s mission … … is the advancement of science, research and education by offering direct access to the literature of public academic member libraries using a modern catalogue system and innovative communication technology.

IFLA Satellite Meeting, Nancy 2014/ 6 subito offers its users  a uniform internet portal  access to harmonised library catalogues  networked powerful library systems  direct and fast information supply

IFLA Satellite Meeting, Nancy 2014/ 7 Benefit of subito literature  in all languages  from all countries  from all academic fields  brand new and as old as from the 17 th century

IFLA Satellite Meeting, Nancy 2014/ 8 German copyright act and the solutions subito found in co-operation with publishers § 53 of the German Copyright Act permits production of copies:  for private use  for personal scientific use  for other personal uses §

IFLA Satellite Meeting, Nancy 2014/ 9 Ways of documents delivery  mail  fax 

IFLA Satellite Meeting, Nancy 2014/ 10 Restriction of delivery § “The reproduction and distribution in electronic form is permissible ex- clusively as a graphic file and only if access to the articles or small extracts of a work is not possible for members of the public on a contractual basis from places and times of their choice...”

IFLA Satellite Meeting, Nancy 2014/ 11 Restriction of delivery a record in the German Electronic journal database (EZB) regulates the delivery within Germany Journal listed Journal not listed only fax and mail delivery , fax and mail delivery

IFLA Satellite Meeting, Nancy 2014/ 12 Outcome of the licence contracts for non-European- countries delivery of copies to non-European countries libraries individual users © © only journals with licence agreement only journals without licence agreement to non-German- speaking countries

IFLA Satellite Meeting, Nancy 2014/ 13 Licences DigitalRightsManagement system (DRM) restrictions:  watersign in footnote  sending of licensed copies only within Europe  access to the document: one month

IFLA Satellite Meeting, Nancy 2014/ 14 Copyright regulations for users electronic delivery Journal article print journal article delete electronic file  for personal use only  not to be handed out to third parties  subject to local copyright laws conventional delivery

IFLA Satellite Meeting, Nancy 2014/ 15 © © SIMPLE COMPLICATED

IFLA Satellite Meeting, Nancy 2014/ subito service “China direct” and book delivery as new feature 16 Partners  National Science Library Beijing  University Library Beijing  Shanghai Library

IFLA Satellite Meeting, Nancy 2014/ 17 China direct supply users with articles which were published in China and in Chinese language Stock approx titles Search options keywords in Pinyin and Chinese language

IFLA Satellite Meeting, Nancy 2014/18 New service: lending of books  will work like the ordinary book lending  there will be a separate book search for the Chinese libraries user order

IFLA Satellite Meeting, Nancy 2014/ Negotiations about the delivery from electronic resources via subito 19 In the past  ways of delivery: mail, fax,  sources: printed journal, printed books

IFLA Satellite Meeting, Nancy 2014/ 20 New sources  e-journals  e-books sources

IFLA Satellite Meeting, Nancy 2014/ 21 Former sources for subito delivery  printed journals  printed books  lending of printed books

IFLA Satellite Meeting, Nancy 2014/ 22 delivery of parts of e-journals and lending of e-books

IFLA Satellite Meeting, Nancy 2014/ 23 ! ! copies lending Recommendation of the steering committee:  copies out of e- journals under the known conditions  lending of e-books (details to be discussed)

IFLA Satellite Meeting, Nancy 2014/ 24 General agreement:  one single agreement for all publishers  could be extended without difficulties General agreement publishers subito

IFLA Satellite Meeting, Nancy 2014/ 25 Latest developments:  ….

IFLA Satellite Meeting, Nancy 2014/ 26 subito. Documents from libraries Berliner Str Berlin Germany Tel. +49 (0)30 – Fax: +49 (0)30 –

Thank you for your attention Auf Wiedersehen Goodbye Au revoir Hasta la vista Go Well! Adjö Pa gensyn, farvel Näkemiin Farvel Viso gero на видят вновь IFLA Satellite Meeting, Nancy 2014 Hejdå