Phil Bélanger, Executive Director Working collaboratively to improve Learner mobility
“We should be concerned with what you know rather than where you learned it.” Dr. Anthony Secco, Chair, NBCAT What is NBCAT? The New Brunswick Council on Articulations and Transfer (NBCAT) is a participatory council of the department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour (PETL). NBCAT facilitates credit transfer and articulation arrangements among NB post-secondary institutions. It also promotes the appropriate and effective use of prior learning assessment and recognition to support learners. NBCAT Vision Learners access post-secondary education through inter-institutional transfer and recognition of formal and informal learning experiences. NBCAT Mission Always respectful of institutional autonomy, NBCAT works collaboratively to continuously improve awareness of, and opportunity for, learner mobility.
The NBCAT Council is composed of academic VPs from seven publically funded NB post-secondary institutions UNB, STU, MTA, UdeM, NBCC, CCNB and NBCCD As part of its operational structure NBCAT has a standing Contact Persons Committee (CPC) composed of representatives from its participating institutions at the registrar level, as well as Crandall University and recently Apprenticeship and Occupational Certification (AOC). The work of the Council is carried out by staff provided by PETL with the CPC Structural Operation and Achievements
Exchanges among participating members has led to the creation of the New Brunswick Credit Transfer Portal designed to simplify the process of searching for recognition of previous training Special efforts have been devoted to facilitate articulation and transfer agreements between NB colleges and universities in the fields of Nursing, Business and Engineering and Information Technology Structural Operation and Achievements
An LPN-BN four year pilot articulation agreement with UNBSJ providing LPN graduates from the NBCC and CCNB the opportunity to pursue their education towards a BN, was launched in 2013 and implemented with much success to date With the support of NBCAT the CCNB is in the process of transforming its LPN program curriculum with a competency based approach in order to facilitate the transfer of equivalencies to the BN program at the U de M Also with the support of NBCAT, UdeM and CCNB reinforced their collaborative efforts by launching new articulated programs: Applied Bachelor’s degree in managing financial services, a applied bachelor degree in Marketing, and applied bachelor degree in Distribution Management, as well as Technology, Information and leadership.Other similar agreements are in the works A transfer agreement was struck between the NBCC & UNB in the field of Information Technology and Computer Science, and work is underway for credit transfer agreements in Engineering, more in the field of Business and Information Technology and Computer Science, as well as Trades programs to a Bachelor of Education Structural Operation and Achievements
Working Collaboratively to Improve Learner Mobility Student transferability / mobility enhancement is measured via a benchmarking model established in Our recent annual stats report has shown an 18% increase in total transfer credits awarded. And the focus for the future is to: Increase the number of Articulation Agreements – New Pathways to credentials Create a Central « Assessment Support Service » to assist in facilitating Prior learning, and National and International academic credential assessment Create electronic transfer of transcripts using a common transcript Conduct research that will help inform and shape policy and practice, as needed Expand the Credit Transfer Portal to include transfers into NB from outside the province and country Work with other Canadian CATs for enhanced Pan-Canadian collaboration among our Post-secondary partners