Origins of the Cold War. Making Connections Truman Doctrine (1947) Policy to stop soviet expansion during Cold War Support any nation if threatened by.


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Presentation transcript:

Origins of the Cold War

Making Connections Truman Doctrine (1947) Policy to stop soviet expansion during Cold War Support any nation if threatened by communism Marshall Plan (1948) US initiative to aid E economic recovery Lasted 4 Years Soviet response: Molotov Plan Berlin Blockade /Airlift (1948) April 1, 1948-May 12, 1949 USSR Blockades Berlin US and UK carry supplies to people in West Berlin NATO ( April 4, 1949) Intergovernmental military alliance Collective defense Soviet response: Warsaw Pact Fall of China (October 1, 1949 Civil War raging since the 1930s US provided funds, no military intervention Korean War ( ) Deemed a “police action” Soviet’s backed the North US the South North launched surprise attack in June

Marshall Plan & Truman Doctrine Video

Truman’s Worries: 1. Soviet was pressing Iran for access to oil and Turkey for access to the Mediterranean Sea 2. Civil War in Greece were insurgents were supported by Yugoslavian and Greek Communists 3. European nations suffering terribly and Communist parties gaining strength especially in France and Italy

Truman Doctrine “To support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures… if we falter in our leadership we may endanger the peace of the world” Sent $300 million in aid to Greece and $100 to Turkey Marshall Plan Required congressional approval, but the Republicans called it an “international WPA” Think. Pair. Share. Why did the United States enact the Marshall Plan, and how did the program illustrate America’s new role in the world?

Berlin Airlift and NATO

Marshall Plan intensified CW tensions Soviet’s upset at the Allies over Germany blockade West Berlin in June 1948 Flew in 2.5 million tons of food and fuel into West Berlin In April, NATO agreed “an armed attack against one or more of them in E or NA shall be considered an attack against them all.” Stalin backed down in May of 1949 Closest two sides came to actual war until 1962 and the CMC

Berlin Blockade and Airlift: UK’s Perspective