Unit 7 Assignment 1: Portals of Entry Emerson May II Microbiology
Portal of Entry Microorganisms must enter body tissues to cause infection this is called portal of entry, because it finds a way into the body. Portals of Entry Skin, mucous membrane of digestive, respiratory, sweat glands, and etc. German measles is also known as rubella; this is spread by droplets sprayed into the air by people who are infected by coughing/sneezing, sharing drinks/food with an infected person. References: Barron, S. (2015, January 1). Rubella (German Measles). Retrieved February 23, 2015, from http://kidshealth.org/parent/infections/bacteri al_viral/german_measles.html
German Measles (Rubella) Has prevention treatment symptoms Keeping away children from the children with measles Caused by Of type Virus Infection Begins with cold-fever, runny nose, sore eyes, mouth sore, white spots in mouth; rash behind ear, on face and body Treatment: bed rest; nutrition; fluids; medicine for fevers-acetaminophen; antibiotics for earache German Measles symptom treatment During pregnancy may cause Mild rash, lymph nodes on back of head/neck become swollen/tender Bed rest, medicine (aspirin) Damaged or deformed child