LAB’SCIENCE TRADING International Commerce in Lifescience Grenoble University France
…Sales Marketing Communication Management… Lab’Science Trading as BioTechCo : Two trainings in close contact with companies (60 ECTS) Theoretical knowledge associated to a real international experience: An opportunity for companies and students.
Students from all over the world attend this course. The lecturing will be entirely in English. The student must have at least a M1 scientific level (or equivalent). The students will attend the commercial lectures at the University of Grenoble during three months.
Afterwards, They will join a company based anywhere in the world for a six month practical training experience which will enable to graduate.
The students are trained to: Manage and follow-up international sales activities. Have the capacity to negotiate in English. Be able to listen to the customers needs and understand their culture. Adapt themselves to different professional environments.
International Commercial Programme Sales and Commercial negotiation (6 ECTS) Marketing: an approach of foreign markets (3 ECTS) Sociological and cultural approach in different parts of the world (3 ECTS) Knowledge of company management, accounting ,logistics (3 ECTS) Project Management or Language skills (3 ECTS)
Scientific Programme Biotechnology 3 ECTS Principles of Instrumental Analysis. 3 ECTS Imaging technologies for life sciences 3 ECTS Imaging technologies for life sciences 3 ECTS English 3 ECTS Six months practical training : 30 ECTS
Students placed with the companies can carry out: Sales Market studies Communication activities Public relation activities Launch & Promotion of new products VIE contracts (organized by UBIFRANCE) concern European students who would like to practice abroad during the placement (the student will work for a French company in charge to follow up a foreign market designed by the company)
For any further information contact : Ghislaine Pellat :, +33 608 246 727 Francis Pithon :, +33 689 649 67 To register please contact:
Academic year 2014 2015
Training period (27 ECTS) 2nd semester Training period (27 ECTS) From January to the first week of June Written report to be returned mid-June 20% of the final mark Oral presentation around June 20: 30% of the final mark Interview with the committee: 50% of the final mark