© 2014 IBM Corporation IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Virtual Appliance Smarter Data Protection for Cloud Environments Cyrus Niltchian, Product Management Cloud & Smarter Infrastructure smarter storage management
© 2014 IBM Corporation What is a Virtual Machine? 2 A virtual machine (VM) is a software-based emulation of a computer. Virtual machines operate based on the computer architecture and functions of a real or hypothetical computer. VMs run in a hypervisor, such as VMware’s ESX/ESXi/vSphere, Red Hat’s KVM, Microsoft’s Hyper-V, …
© 2014 IBM Corporation What is the TSM Virtual Appliance? 3 TSM Server, TSM for Virtual Environments and TSM Operations Center encapsulated in a Virtual Machine All components pre-installed and pre-configured Build with TSM Version 7.1 Installed on SUSE Enterprise Linux 11 Build after the TSM Small Blueprint specifications Disk Storage Pools pre-configured Includes configuration script which runs at initial boot to configure network settings One Virtual Machine in OVF Format, which can be imported into any Virtual Environment – Currently VMware tested
© 2014 IBM Corporation TSM Virtual Appliance Visualized 4
© 2014 IBM Corporation Product Status of TSM Virtual Appliance 5 Is not a product Has no PID (Product ID) Regular TSM Licensing applies for its components 30 day time-bombing for the TSM Server Consider to quote recently announced TSM Entry Licensing Is not supported – TSM Virtual Appliance Forum available Regard it as a Pre-Sales Tool Compare to the TSM Blueprints – Instantiation of the small Blueprint Not approved for customer distribution Audience: IBM Tech/Sellers and Business Partners only
© 2014 IBM Corporation How fast can it be imported ? 6 Import is determined by 4 factors: –1. Download: of 4.5 GB from an ftp site: Depends –2. Extraction: approx. 2 minutes –3. Import: approx. 8 minutes –4. Initial Boot and network configuration with Reboot: approx. 20 minutes -> Time to import (without Download): Less than 30 minutes Time to value: Less than 1 hour
© 2014 IBM Corporation Visualizing Import of TSM Virtual Appliance into Virtual Environment Drop-In
© 2014 IBM Corporation Value 8 Represents a Proof of Concept (POC) VM Reduces time for TSM POCs from days to hours Can be utilized in a XaaS (SaaS, DRaaS,..) Offering as a preconfigured ‘TSM in a Cloud’ Eliminates TSM’s perceived installation and configuration complexity Can also be used as ‘demo’
© 2014 IBM Corporation Call to Action 9 1.Go to the TSM Virtual Appliance Forum and login. Your Partnerworld ID or your IBM Intranet ID can be used to login 2. Please join the community. You can register by clicking ‘Join this Community’ 3. Download the TSM Virtual Appliance. Go to the ‘Topic’ section in the Forum and retrieve download instructions. Click ‘How to download the ‘TSM Virtual Appliance’. You will find eight zipped files (4.5 GB) which extract into one VM in OFV Format
© 2014 IBM Corporation Call to Action Extract the files. You can use the free version of 7zip for Linux and Windows. 5. Import it into your Virtual Environment. VMware Workstation, VMware Player, ESXi, vSphere, vCloud Director, vCloud Automation Center, … Import as OVF File, which contains the configuration settings. 6. Test it and use it. After start, a configuration script will allow to enter network settings 7. Please provide your feedback in the Forum.
© 2014 IBM Corporation Community ‘TSM Virtual Appliance’ 11
© 2014 IBM Corporation Questions?
© 2014 IBM Corporation13
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